Minggu, 31 Mei 2009
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Liberty Reborn � Abusing Our Children With Our Own Bitter Pills
Little Johnny wakes up, the same as he does every morning, to find his father sitting at his bedside. As he wipes his tired eyes his father smiles happily. “Good morning son,” he says.
“Good morning father,” little Johnny answers.
“Are you ready for your pill?” His father holds out capsule for him to take as well as a glass of water.
“Father,” little Johnny speaks up, “I was thinking last night.”
“Oh?” his father responds. “That’s always a good thing son. Now, take your pill.”
“But that’s just it father. I have been thinking about these pills that you have been having me take each morning.”
His father frowns. “Son, it is best if you really don’t think about it much.”
“But father, what I don’t understand is why I am taking this pill every morning. I don’t feel sick and the doctor said just last week that I’m healthy. Plus that pill is so bitter and it seems to get bigger every day. It hurts my stomach. Why must I take it?”
“Oh son, the pill is not for your health – it is for mine. I’m very sick. I have a very bad addiction.”
Even Johnny realizes the strangeness of this response. “Then shouldn’t you be taking it father?”
Johnny’s father laughed. “Oh no son. This pill is too bitter and too big for me to swallow. If I were to take it I would not be able to stomach it and would suffer great pain.”
“But father, that is exactly how the pill makes me feel and you ask me to take it. If the pill is for your health, shouldn’t you be the one taking it?” little Johnny asked again. “Me taking the pill for you is not going to make you better.”
“Son,” his father said leaning in close to him to add emphasis to his forthcoming words, “please don’t make me force you to take this bitter pill. You don’t want me to force you to take it do you?”
“But father –“
“No buts son. I’m going to count to three. One. Two. Thr – “ Before the final part of the word three could pass his lips little Johnny reached out and took the pill, hurled it into his mouth and downed it down with water which only slightly lessened the discomfort. “Good boy.”
Now, would we as a society put up with this kind of action from any parent towards their children? Would we let any parent get away with forcing their child to take their own medicine because they simply did not want to take it? Well we do. Every day we do.
Because this is exactly the way the parents and grandparents of this country are treating their children and grandchildren as well as their children and their children’s children by living high on the hog, racking up enormous governmental debts they have no intention of repaying and then forcing their posterity to bear the punishment of having to swallow the bitter pill they themselves have concocted because of their own addictions. All because they do not want to take that damnable pill themselves.
Every time you, as a parent, draw a dime from a federal or state government program paid for by the taxes of your children or that increases the debt load of our country your children will have to bear and pay back so that you can have some benefit today I dare say that you are doing just this. You are abusing not just your children but all children of this country. And that is about as sick as it gets.
It is time Americans take their own pills instead of forcing them down the throats of their children. Stop whining about how bitter the pill is and take it. Stop being such cowards and grow up.
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
CHARMING, JUST CHARMING: Sunday Morning Coming Down
Today I am still proud that I was born an American. But for the first time I am ashamed of the majority of my fellow Americans....those who have decided that free bread and circuses are more important to them than the fiscal health and the security of their country. I am ashamed of a news media who sets idle as the Federal government takes over major corporations and dictates to the financial world on how they will be able to transact business. I am ashamed that I was 'bamboozled' by the republican party several years ago...they solicited my support with the promise that they were the party for smaller government and fiscal responsibility...and I was fool enough to believe them. Their behavior...and mine for supporting them...was shameful.
Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
Kamis, 21 Mei 2009
That’s Why � Already Not Yet
Since then I have spent well-nigh fifty years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, 1983
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
Chicago Boyz � Blog Archive � What, Eight Years Wasn’t Long Enough?
Okay, the leftmost half of the Democrats, including Obama, Pelosi et al, have continuously claimed for 8 years that detaining illegal combatants at Gitmo was obviously illegal under U.S. law, immoral and counterproductive. Usually, when someone makes such a sweeping claim, it means that they have throughly thought out the problem and have a detailed alternative to offer. Given that Democrats have had 8 years to think about the problem, why didn’t Obama and Congressional Democrats have a plan to handle Gitmo and its detainees ready to implement on Day 1 of his administration?
Why are they still dithering to the point of refusing to allocate funds to close Gitmo? [h/t Instapundit] How dumb are they?
After all, it’s not like they’ve proposed a plan and then the Republicans, using their dominance of the three branches of government, shot it down. No, they haven’t even made a single, concrete, detailed proposal, and the Republicans don’t have the power to stop squat. If Democrats actually had a workable idea, they could have launched it four months ago.
It’s almost as if they’ve suddenly discovered that the problem of dealing with illegal combatants is a complex problem rife with dangers and tradeoffs that presents no clear, optimal solution. Too bad somebody hasn’t tried to tell them how difficult a legal, practical and moral problem these people pose for us. Oh, wait, somebody did.
It’s almost as if they always knew that Bush had to make serious tradeoffs but chose to create a simplistic narrative just for the sake of political marketing. It looks like they spent all their time reflexively criticizing Bush and zero time actually thinking about the challenges he faced.
It’s almost like they never really gave a damn.
Minggu, 17 Mei 2009
Something... and Half of Something: Some required reading...
om Time To Behead The Concubines by J.J. Jackson:
Right now in America we have the Republican Party as it sadly exists; a chattering mass of concubines who have come to believe that they are favorites of some higher authority and they will have no harm ever come to them. The problem is that we, the people, who are the real authority behind the Party are not at all amused. We have given them power. We have given them arms. We have even given them orders. But still they sit there and giggle at us as though those orders are not at all important.
We tell them to lower taxes and they giggle. We tell them to reduce the size of government and they giggle some more. We tell them to stand up for innocent human life no matter the age and they laugh out loud. We tell them to return to within the boundaries set up for them by the Constitution and they flip us the bird while mocking us openly. So the answer is obvious to anyone that has ever read Sun Tzu. The axe needs to be sharpened. The heads of the lead concubines must be lowered onto the chopping block. And these fools need to be released from their duties and obligations. It is time to behead those giddy concubines who are in charge and who are not willing to carry out the clear orders given to them.
Yes, it would appear that perhaps we should look to Sun Tzu for a solution, keeping in mind that there are many ways to skin a cat behead a concubine, after all, there is an election coming up. Nothing says term limit better than a lost primary.
And as for senate hopeful from the great state of Florida, Charlie Crist? No way. No way Charlie. We have enough RINOs, we don't need another. I'd rather see that seat go to a flat out democrat then see you sit there and sit with the opposition. Better the devil we know then to watch you stick a knife in our backs. I have deeply regretted voting for you for governor, and I won't repeat that mistake by voting for you for senator.
Vinegar and Honey: No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.
~Thomas Jefferson
Grouchy Old Cripple: Marines
"Martyrs or Marines -- Who Do you Think Will Get The Virgins?"
"U.S. Marines -- Travel Agents To Allah"
"When In Doubt, Empty The Magazine"
"The Marine Corps -- When It Absolutely, Positively Has To Be Destroyed Overnight"
"Death Smiles At Everyone -- Marines Smile Back"
"What Do You Feel When You Kill A Terrorist? ... A Reassuring Recoil"
"Marines -- Providing Enemies of America an Opportunity To Die For their Country Since 1775"
"My Marine Can Pick Off Your Honor Student at a Click and a Half"
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"
"Happiness Is A Belt-Fed Weapon"
"It's God's Job to Forgive Bin Laden -- It's Our Job To Arrange The Meeting"
"Artillery Brings Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be Just A Brawl"
"One Shot, Twelve Kills -- Marine Artillery"
"My kid fought in Iraq so yours can party in college"
"Machine Gunners -- Accuracy by Volume"
"Guns Don't Kill People -- I Kill People"
"Except For Ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, WAR has Never Solved Anything."Minggu, 10 Mei 2009
Zero Hedge: The Dow's Weight In Gold