Proverbial Wife: Be Blessed:. . . . "He talked about speaking blessings over other believers (not recommended for unbelievers as they'll probably think you're wacky). This is somewhat different than praying. It's actually looking someone--your spouse, your child, your friend--eye to eye (intimidating, I know) and speaking words of encouragement, in the form of a blessing, into their life. It can be off the cuff or a recitation of Scripture, but personalized.
My husband was blessed in a special way by the message because our pastor actually related the incident I shared in The Prayer of Edward as an example of how to speak blessing over someone. Not to digress too much, but one reason I have had such peace about our new church (we started going in June) is because of the way the pastor has reached out to my husband--developing a friendship with him, recognizing his gifts, and discipling him. Eddie just thrives on the personal attention, and in turn, God is using him in our pastor's life, so that it is a mutually 'Ed'ifying relationship. I couldn't resist...
I know it would be harder for me to improvise a blessing over someone face-to-face than to pen them words of encouragement or pray (with heads bowed) for them, but I don't want to let that stop me from attempting this new (yet ancient) way of building up others in Christ. So I like the idea of memorizing blessings from Scripture. I think I'll start with this simple one ('Aaron's Blessing') whose imagery I have always liked (several of my former pastors used to close each service by speaking it over the congregation), but I would love it if you would write your favorite blessings from the Bible (or other sources) in the comments:
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. ~Numbers 6:24-26"
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