Selasa, 23 November 2004

IBN_ALRAFIDAIN: Security & Freedom!!!!

IBN_ALRAFIDAIN: Security & Freedom

Monday, November 22, 2004

Security & Freedom

It is known in politics that there is no permanent friendship but mutual interests. I’ve been thinking what sort of interests may incite the US and UK administrations to keep on backing the ambitious Iraqis for better society. The answer came from Washington last week. President Bush and Prime Minister Blair held a press conference on November 12th.

Mr. Blair said

“ … we have to complete our mission in Iraq, make sure that Iraq is a stable and a democratic country. And I have no doubt at all that whatever the difficulties the terrorists and insurgents, supporters of Saddam Hussein may pose for us, that we will overcome those difficulties -- ourselves, the multinational force, together with the Iraqi government -- and ensure that Iraq can be that democratic, stable state that the vast majority of Iraqis, I know, will want to see…”

Nice words which raise hopes of a brighter future.

A question resided in my mind for long time till the early days of the invasion last year which says ( What makes the US and UK knock Saddam down?).

Saddam served their interests since the early days of his time in power. For example, he fought Iran for them. It is not a secret, Saddam said it clearly “We are fighting Iran on behalf of the civilized world”.

He made it justifiable for them to bring their forces to the region, which floats on oil, after he invaded Kuwait. Even in his last days, he offered them free Iraqi oil for keeping him in power.

Isn’t it better to put someone in power who can maintain their interests regardless the way he rules?

A pressman, in the conference, asked a question coincides with my query. He said

“ What if the Iraqis come up with somebody who's not friendly to the United States, is not a democrat, but it's peaceful, is this something you can live with?”

Mr. Bush answered

“…the Iraqis will have come up with somebody who is duly-elected. In other words, democracy will have spoken. And that person is going to have to listen to the people, not to the whims of a dictator, not to their own desires -- personal desires…”

I don’t know whether Mr. Bush knows the conception of Iraqis, and Arabs, of possessing power or not. It is the concept of the Sheikh who gains power and to grasp firmly, never let go till death.

Anyhow, one should have faith in change. This can be observed in Bush’s words

“…. I readily concede there are skeptics, people who say democracy is not possible in certain societies. But, remember, that was said right after World War II with Japan…”

US & UK represent, together, an influential factor in Mideast and in the world, so no one can plan for a country without taking this factor in his calculations. I’m saying so to put aside comments say (Iraqis have to decide their future), which I admire highly. One should be pragmatic and tries to understand the strategy of the influential factor.

Now let’s see what the new strategy in the region is. It is, according to Mr. Blair

“…there was a view in foreign policy that you dealt with countries on the basis of whatever attitude they had towards you, but really whatever they did within their own countries, that was up to them, and didn't really make a difference to your long-term relationship…” and “…it does mean that there's been a shift, and I think a shift quite dramatically, since 9/11 in the thinking that is informing our view of how we make progress…”

It seems that the events of 9/11 are paradoxical, (Should we thank Bin Laden for his crime?haha..)

A clear point is to be said by Mr. Blair

“…That's why in Iraq we decided when Saddam was removed, we didn't want another hard man coming in, another dictator…” .

It is a firm rule to be followed from now on, but is it a matter of morality. In politics there is no morality but there is interests. Interests is the pivot of politics. So, what kind of interests that makes Mr. Blair set this rule.

He added

“…The people want the freedom (referring to the Iraqis). What we recognized, I think, today, is that we're not going to have our security unless they get that freedom…”

He made it clear (our security=their freedom). Thank you Mr. Bush. Thank you Mr. Blair.

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