Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

ron paul's agenda

Amplify’d from www.lewrockwell.com

In short, Ron
Paul's agenda is far too specific for the conservative mainstream
to tolerate. He wants to do what the conservative mainstream says
it wants to do: cut the Federal budget, stop the expansion of the
money supply, stop price inflation, and return to a free-market
economy. The conservative mainstream does not really want to do
any of these things, and never has. It has always been in favor
of expanding the military budget, expanding Federal power outside
the borders of the United States, running the world as the world's
policeman, and increasing the money supply on a reasonable basis
in order to keep American prosperity rolling. All of this is big
government conservatism. All of this has been basic to the conservative
movement since 1950.

Read more at www.lewrockwell.com

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