Sabtu, 30 April 2011

1916-1945 Mercury Silver Dime Melt Value -

1916-1945 Mercury Silver Dime Melt Value -

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical presents Boned Jello

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical presents Boned Jello: "TAXI DRIVER

Bob had just arrived in Chicago on a two day business trip. Not familiar with the city, he chose a cab outside his hotel to take him to his business meeting.

Sensing a sucker, the taxi driver took him on an expensive, several mile trip to get a few blocks away, which he only discovered after he reached his destination and was told that he had been ripped off.

He was angry enough to walk back to his hotel. But that night, he plotted his revenge.

The next day, he saw the same driver in the third cab in the line of cabs outside the hotel.

Taxi Rider
So he instead went to the first cab.

'Where d'ya wanna go, Mac?', asked the driver.

'I don't have any money, but you can (perform a sex act on me), if you take me there for free.'

'Get the HELL out of my cab, you (expletive) (expletive) (expletive)!,' yelled the driver.

Then Bob went to the second cab and said the same thing, to the same response.

Then Bob went to the third cab, with the dishonest driver, and asked to be taken to the same destination he had been taken the previous day, knowing full well that he would be ripped off again.

Bob then enjoyed the expressions on the faces of the other two taxi drivers as they drove away."

Home on the Range: Big Damn Heroes

Home on the Range: Big Damn Heroes
There was not an authentic Knights Code of Chivalry as a prescribed document - it was a moral system which went beyond rules of combat and introduced the concept of Chivalrous conduct - qualities such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women. Documented in 'The Song of Roland' in the Middle Ages Knights period of William the Conqueror who ruled England from 1066, it consisted of these tenents -

To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
To protect the weak and defenceless
To give succour to widows and orphans
To refrain from the wanton giving of offence
To live by honour and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To obey those placed in authority
To guard the honour of fellow knights
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
To keep faith
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
To respect the honour of women
Never to refuse a challenge from an equal
Never to turn the back upon a foe

Points of Hype Pro

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Marketers are often enamored with the latest killer app or marketing technique. Marketing and advertising using social media may look attractive but makes no sense if you discount business listings and traditional SEO.

Search Engines:

Organic or natural search engine optimization starts and ends with Google. A first page listing for your money web pages is the alpha and omega of internet marketing. A top listing is even better.

Search engines and web directories come in various flavors:

- elephants (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask)
- blog search engines
- RSS search engines
- web directories
- specialty search engines (real estate, news, etc.)

Organic search results - the holy grail of making the first page of Googles SERPs - is dependent on picking the precise niche keyword phrases to anchor in unique content posted on your blog, website, or thousands of other locations on the web.


Spiders or bots from the main search engines constantly index every word on the Internet. Unique content targeted to your money keyword phrases will improve your ranking in Google.

Content can be posted online in:

- self-hosted website or blogs
- article directories
- free blog hosts
- community websites
- free websites
- free blog space in some social media sites

Much has been written about duplicate content and whether or not there is a penalty. The duplicate content penalty is mostly a myth. What really happens is Google, when faced with the identical article posted in numerous places, will not return all in the search results.

A Google slap for duplicate content is rare, unless the exact identical content shows up numerous times on the same website. I once had an article picked up and republished on 800+ websites. They all showed up in Google until the results were narrowed down to only the most important sites.

Some argue that you ought to use techniques like bum marketing to churn out up to 50 articles a day. I prefer to write one article, create 50+ titles, heavily spin the article, and create thousands of unique articles for the blogs and article directories.

Every point of hype now has a unique article creating a one way backlink to my money site, or any website I choose. Google loves backlinks almost as much as content.

A good manual spinner and a decent writer eliminate all duplicate content issues.

A good manual spinner like Magic Article Rewriter is okay, meaning you generate all the sentence and word substitutions. The language is entirely yours. Automatic rewriters can create stilted, unnatural text - and ordinarily do.

Free PLR articles have been hashed out on the Internet so many times by lazy marketers that the search engines give them no worth, or as I like to say, they have no Google juice.

PLR articles are of limited use. That's why you can acquire tens of thousands free. You get what you pay for. The only value I see is for minimal research and title ideas.


The significance of social media comes from the relationship features, in particular the ability to create a individual or business profile. You are able to brand your business and create authority one way backlinks to your website.


- business listings (Google Places, Localeze)
- IYPs (MagicYellow, Yellowbook)
- online business profiles (LinkedIN, BusinessCard2)
- article directories (Ezinearticles, Goarticles)
- social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace)
- social bookmarking sites (Digg, Diigo)
- microblogging sites (Twitter, Plurk)
- free blog hosts (Blogger, Wordpress)
- community websites (Squidoo, Hubpages)

Google loves one way backlinks from authority, high ranking websites. You are not able to get to the top of the organic SERPs without them.

Working in concert, you are able to promote your business to the first page of Google.

Start with our free ebook listing our top 3 free promotion resources in 18 areas (54 total), visit ClixForBrix -

For those who realize the worth of free marketing points of hype, subscribe to Points of Hype Pro in order to stay up to date on thousands of free sites to market your business -

~ Charles Lamm

Rabu, 27 April 2011

US Will Certainly Lose Its AAA Credit

Politicians never learn until the peasants revolt.

Prison Costs

You could cut prison costs in half overnight by releasing all drug offenders.

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I'll return
to the governor's pungent comment. But first, I'd like to mention
a few facts about American prisons. I'll start with California.
The California prison system, euphemistically known as the California
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, employs more people
than any other state agency. It has 69,000 authorized positions.
Between 1998 and 2009, its budget almost tripled, reaching $10.3
billion dollars in the latter year – despite the fact that the number
of people in prison had increased by only 9% during the period.
(I'm using the Department's own figures here.) As of 2009, the average
cost of maintaining an inmate in this system was more than $49,000,
of which about a third was spent on healthcare. That is more than
twice what my own excellent healthcare insurance costs me and my
employer, the University of California, despite the fact that I,
unlike 85% of the inmates in California prisons, am over 50 years
old and therefore have higher real healthcare costs than the average
California inmate.

Now, if you
think this picture is representative only of California, you are
right – in a way. Florida, which is demographically comparable in
many respects, and also has a "modern" prison system, spends only
about $20,000 per year, per inmate, and of that only $4300 is spent
on healthcare.


Senin, 18 April 2011

more from Ron Paul

Is he wandering in the desert?

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Of course,
the costs of this leviathan are incalculably large. The twentieth
century endured two world wars, a worldwide depression, and a forty-five-year
"Cold War" with two superpowers facing off with tens of
thousands of intercontinental missiles armed with nuclear warheads.
And yet the threat of government today, all over the world, may
well present a greater danger than anything that occurred in the
twentieth century. We are policed everywhere we go: work, shopping,
home, and church. Nothing is private anymore: not property, not
family, not even our houses of worship. We are encouraged to spy
on each other and to stand passively as government agents scan us,
harass us, and put us in our place day after day. If you object,
you are put on a hit list. If you fight to reveal the truth, as
WikiLeaks or other websites have done, you are targeted and can
be crushed. Sometimes it seems like we are living in a dystopian
novel like 1984 or Brave New World, complete with ever less economic
freedom. Some will say that this is hyperbole; others will understand
exactly what I'm talking about.


Sabtu, 16 April 2011

future of farming

Future farm: A sunless, rainless room indoors -

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The perfect crop field could be inside a windowless building with meticulously controlled light, temperature, humidity, air quality and nutrition. It could be in a New York high-rise, a Siberian bunker or a sprawling complex in the Saudi desert.


Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Jumat, 08 April 2011

IRS hunts for U.S. tax evaders at HSBC I

The war against ex-pats continues.

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Escalating the U.S. attack on off-shore tax evasion, federal investigators Thursday sought approval for a court summons aimed at forcing banking giant HSBC to turn over account data for wealthy American clients suspected of using the bank’s India division to hide assets.


Pre-Employment Credit Check

At most call centers, these credit checks are just used to check for prior credit card fraud. Bad credit would disqualify about 80% of the agents. The credit bureaus are full of it. They earn millions and millions off the checks. That's the reason for the nonsense below.

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Giant credit bureaus Experian and Trans-Union also oppose the bills. Employers want to know whether a job applicant “acted prudently while (previously) employed,” says TransUnion spokeswoman Colleen Tunney-Ryan. “A pre-employment (credit) report is one tool that helps them assess that.”


Selasa, 05 April 2011

Convicting the Innocent

Lawyers and Hollywood have know this forever. Juries are now coming around.

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Petro lays
out what he says are the myths about the system, and they are:

Myth 1:
Everyone in prison claims innocence.

Myth 2:
Our system almost never convicts an innocent person.

Myth 3:
Only the guilty confess.

Myth 4:
Wrongful conviction is the result of innocent human error.

Myth 5:
An eyewitness is the best testimony.

Myth 6:
Conviction errors get corrected on appeal.

Myth 7:
It dishonors a victim to question a conviction.

Myth 8:
If the justice system has problems, the pros will fix them.