This was originally penned and posted over three years ago on May 28, AD 2009. "Prescient" doesn't quite do it justice - but then, anyone who hasn't seen all of this coming since 2008 will be recorded by history and God's Justice as criminally negligent and/or stupid. The specific context was Obama's raping of the Chrysler bondholders and the selective forced closings of Chrysler dealerships based purely off of political campaign contributions and race. Remember all of that back in 2009? This post explains why the First American Republic is dead by drawing the comparison the the nascent American government and economy of the early 19th century.I came across a FASCINATING historical tidbit today on the internet. Historians regard the year 1811 as the year that the United States matured from fledgling former colony into global industrial and moral power. Do you know why?
In 1811 tensions were building between the U.S. and British. We were on the run‐up to the War of 1812. While this was going on, the First Bank of the United States, founded by Alexander Hamilton in 1791, was liquidated because its original 20‐year charter expired. Many of the bondholders of this bank were . . . British. There was enormous political pressure, given the hostility and tensions with the British, to give the British bondholders the shaft and pocket that money to help finance the coming war. The leaders of First Bank refused to go along with the desires of the politicians and repaid every penny of their debt, including their British creditors.
Why did they do this? Because it was the LAW. The Rule of Law came first to these men.
This one act of integrity had a cascading effect that essentially set the course of this nation and its economy for the next 198 years. Word quickly spread throughout the business districts of Europe that the words "Backed By The Full Faith And Credit Of The United States Government" meant something, and meant something real.
European investment dollars came pouring in to the "fledgling former colony", the industrial revolution was born, and The United States of America that we all know and love was born. We are indeed the children of integrity, the children of "full faith".
That era ended earlier this week.
Without the rule of law, the words "full faith and credit of the government of the United States" are meaningless words. And, just as money came flowing in 198 years ago, money will now go flowing out. Our government is now fascist and is run by gangsters who would not know integrity if they were being beaten over the head with it.
God help us.
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