Sabtu, 05 Januari 2013 - Commodity Brokerage - Commodity Brokerage: 2. My license plates are a contraction of the Greek phrase "Molon Labe". MOLNLBE. Molon Labe means "come and take them" and is the battle cry for the right of self-defense, and of all badasses of good will, in general.

In 480 BC King Leonidas led a phalanx of 300 Spartan soldiers to the Hot Gates of Thermopylae in a delaying action at the onset of the Persian invasion of Greece by Xerxes I. Xerxes, with his army and navy of many, many thousands, sent a message to the 300 Spartans at the onset of the battle. The message was, "Spartans, lay down your weapons."

King Leonidas replied, "Molon labe." Come and take them.

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