Selasa, 05 Oktober 2004

A fellow who speaks his mind!!! (Vietnam/Kerry)

'Johnny Bad', href="" posted the following: I have reduced the rough language just to make it a little more acceptable to some, but the point is: THIS IS WHAT THE VETS AND THE SWIFTIES ARE MAD ABOUT!

"I've seen and heard some of the mainstream press reaction to the Swift Boat Vets ads. The big DNC talking point being parroted is that the Vets are part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Attack Machine.

Way off.

This is personal."

Paul of Wizbang has a post with a link to the third Swift Boat Vets ad, this one debunking Kerry's "Christmas in Cambodia" claim. In the comments, a Viet Nam vet named Peter explains to a troll named Randy what REALLY motivates the vets. I'm leaving in the salty language out of courtesy to a man who has earned the right to use it:

Yes, go ahead and vote for a man that took an oath, then took the extra pay and privileges of a commissioned officer. Then after whatever exploits were actually real, came back and ran for office as a war hero and lost. Got his enlistment cut short, too.

Having failed to attain office that route he changed directions, surrounded himself with 'veterans' many of whom never spent one single day in uniform, others of whom had not ever set foot in a combat zone, all of whom refused to testify under oath, even when offered full immunity (that pesky perjury exception to immunity, you know) and slimed the names of every swinging dick that ever wore Uncle's suit. Slimed the good name of every man who came home in a shiny aluminum box with lies. Lies about alleged crimes that were never committed. For as long as that long black wall in Washington, DC has stood, John Kerry has been rubbing human feces on to those names.

I don't know what that c--------- did in Viet Nam, I was thirty f------ months in another AO, Randy, one without movie cameras, hell, instamatics were too heavy to carry on a hump through the bush after one's first patrol. I don't know what the sonofabitch did over there, I only know what he did here. And what he did here was lie about men whose sweaty jockstraps he is not fit to carry. What he did here was to deliberately slander 58,000 men who aren't around to answer because the medals they got were posthumus.

A------- like you, Randy, think this is about George Bush because you don't know any of those names on the Wall. It's not about George Bush, it's about an overpriveliged Yankee blueblood who may as well have walked into 58,000 American homes and pissed on every one of those neatly folded flags.

Now, thirty-three years later he has the gall to return to those same homes and steal those flags to parade himself around, wrapped in the flags that covered the bodies of my friends. That's what this is about, not George Bush. John Kerry slimed the names and the honor of every young man that stood with his buddies while this Hee-row pulled strings to come home early.

There are a whole bunch of really pissed off veterans, some of us gave limbs, all of us gave our youth and we want to restore the honor to those names on the wall. For thirty-three years we've had to listen to you little fucks, Randy because we had no way to make our voices heard. It's over. This is where it stops. John Kerry has dug up the bodies of our brothers to stand on in a desperate attempt to give himself a little stature.

Pretty funny, this big brave War Hee-row with a chest full of medals has to go crying to daddy George Bush to make those mean old veterans stop picking on meeee!

Most of us stop running to mommy and daddy when we are about seven or eight. Most of us fight our own fights. Like this one. The fight is on, stay out of the way. It's not for you, Randy, this fight is for the men.

Peter is currently blogless, as far as I can tell, but I, for one, wouldn't mind seeing him start.

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