Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Lame Cherry: Independence Day

Lame Cherry: Independence Day

he three greatest leaders in the past 100 years were like Winston Churchill in England in the wilderness of politics before God tapped them to revive America and lead her to unsully the liberal whoring which she had been sold into.

Theodore Roosevelt was a rancher and cowboy in the Dakota Territories of the Badlands in the years leading up to his almost Joseph ascension to lead the United States.
The GOP stuck Roosevelt in the Vice Presidential slot to just get rid of that "damned cowboy" as the patricians of Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe, Noel Sheppard, Bill O'Reilly, Joseph Farah and their past likenesses referred to TR.
Roosevelt stated that it was that cowboy experience which prepared him for being President and he could not have done the job without living that life.

Richard Nixon, these patricians questioning Sarah Palin, forget he was out of politics for 8 years before ascending to the Presidency in America's time of need.
If the patricians had not engineered that coup on Mr. Nixon, he would have been remembered by all now as one of the greatest leaders in world history, which he was. Even with the Sarah Palin political rape Mr. Nixon endured and still endures by liberals, those who comprehend history know completely how Richard Nixon put the first spike in the coffin of the Soviet Union.

Ronald Reagan, the epitome of the American rugged individual, was not a Governor, not a Senator, not an Ambassador. He was simply Ronald Reagan, American Citizen for almost a decade before God rose up this rod of Gideon to save America. Exactly like Gov. Palin, Mr. Reagan was not in politics, but was like Esther chosen for that moment in history when God called.

It is fitting to remind people of Esther as her example was brought up in 2008 connected to Sarah Palin.
Esther was a Benjaminite, and not a Jew as people forget Judah had 3 tribes in Judah, Benjamin and Levi at that time of captivity.

Esther was chosen to be Queen to replace a haughty woman who was humiliating her husband. For all the good Hillary Clinton could do, she has chosen too often the expedient course and made a weak Bill Clinton weaker. Mrs. Clinton in this Obama tenure has mimicked the worst of Obama when she could have excelled in freedom for Honduras and benefited by listening to her husband, instead of tagging along with Obama to the abyss.
Queen Esther though while being chosen for the first inclusion into power, soon enough was set aside and quite overlooked by the King.

It was in the moment of need for the Jews, when her Uncle, Mordecai and all 3 tribes were about to be slaughtered, that he had to remind her, that being Queen would not stop her from being hung too, and God put her there for His purpose and either she stood up for what was right or God would find someone who would.
Esther risked her life, risked her position in government and if the King had not granted her and audience, she would have been put to death and in the days following there never would have been a Jew left in the world as the Empire would have created a complete holocaust then.

So I see no problem in the least with Sarah Palin being like Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Queen Esther or Lady Liberty, as all were in the political wilderness, without party, without support, and without any chance given by the experts, and yet they all had God helping them and by God they arose to where He willed them to be to serve America.

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