Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

Mme Scherzo - madamescherzo: feralnostalgia: universoul: ...

Mme Scherzo - madamescherzo: feralnostalgia: universoul: ...

Earth/venus 8 orbits. Too cool

TRB on Multiply

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

Text the Romance Back Quick Review



Text the Romance Back

Text the Romance Back

tbr on blogger

Text the Romance Back Quick Review http://bit.ly/uRuhfC

Posted via email from Points of Hype

tbr on blogger

Text the Romance Back Quick Review

Love in the age of SMS

Text the Romance Back,sms dating,sexting http://bit.ly/vNETLh

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Love in the age of SMS

Text the Romance Back,sms dating,sexting

Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

Free Online Dating Services - Totally Free Online Dating Services - http://freeworlddatingsites.com/totally-free-dating-sites/ http://bit.ly/s2KIDX


Free Online Dating Services - Totally Free Online Dating Services - http://freeworlddatingsites.com/totally-free-dating-sites/ http://bit.ly/s2KIDX

Posted via email from Points of Hype



Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

We all have
family and friends who are not really into prepping, or who mean
to but don’t get around to it. Since we’re giving gifts
anyway, might as well give them something to help them prepare for
an emergency. Here are a few ideas for various budgets:

Read more at lewrockwell.com

considering being an ex-pat?

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

Millions of
American citizens have already left the United States in search
of a better life. As the economy continues to crumble and as our
society slowly falls apart, millions of others are thinking about
it. But moving to another country is not something to be done lightly.
The reality is that there are a vast array of social, cultural,
economic and safety issues to be considered. If you have never traveled
outside of North America, then you have no idea how incredibly different
life in other parts of the world can be. For those that are unfamiliar
with international travel, it can be quite a shock to suddenly be
immersed in a foreign culture. In fact, no matter how experienced
you are, choosing to relocate to a new country is never easy. But
things have gone downhill so dramatically in the United States that
picking up and moving to a foreign nation is being increasingly
viewed as a viable alternative by millions of Americans. A lot of
people have decided that they simply do not want to be in the United
States when the excrement hits the fan. So what is the best country
in the world for Americans to relocate to in order to avoid the
coming economic collapse?

Read more at lewrockwell.com

considering being an ex-pat?


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Metrodate Quick Review

Totally Free Dating Site - great free site

Metrodate Quick Review

Totally Free Dating Site - great free site http://bit.ly/vD2rBF

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time | Cracked.com

The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time | Cracked.com

4-tissimo Guitar Quartet plays Tico Tico no Fub�- YouTube

4-tissimo Guitar Quartet plays Tico Tico no Fub�- YouTube !!!!! good

10 Friday AM Reads | The Big Picture

10 Friday AM Reads | The Big Picture


Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo:
Watch your tongue---------Keep silence

For when the reason’s dull, the mind depressed,
He best doth speak who keeps his silence best.

Pedro Calder�n de la Barca, Life is a Dream (via vandegraaff)

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo

Description of ISLAM

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

Sir Winston Churchill, The River War, 1899 - first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50



The Star


Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings: Does God want us to suffer? What if the answer to that question is ‘yes’?

You see, I don’t think that God particularly wants us to be happy. I think He wants us to love and be loved. He wants us to grow up. You see, we are like children who think that our toys bring us all the happiness there is, and that our nursery is the whole wide world. But something has to drive us out into the world of others, and that thing is suffering. Put simply, pain is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world. We are like blocks of stone from which the Sculptor carves a form.

The blows of His chisel which hurt us so much are what make us perfect.

—C.S. Lewis, Shadowlands

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Increasing Ex-Pats from the US

Increasing Ex-Pats from the US

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
Jim Willie – Hat Trick Letter

I had many reasons for leaving the USA and moving overseas. One
of the big reasons was, because of traveling outside of the USA
a lot in university days, I began to realize that the story (brainwashing)
about the USA being the "Greatest Country on Earth" (that we were
all taught in school) wasn't exactly true. 

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Survival Affiliate Marketing

Survival Affiliate Marketing

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Our Future

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
another subject, I just had a lengthy conversation with my son Ryan.
Ryan is building a self-sustaining farm on 40 acres, two hours north
of San Francisco. He and his friends have built a large house, that
is comfortable enough to withstand the toughest winters. Ryan has
a well that provides his own water, and he also generates his own
electricity. I call him the last American pioneer.
He is growing a huge crop of vegetables and has planted all sorts
of fruit trees. His next step will be chickens and perhaps a few

told him he's in the right business for the future, which is a survival
business. The stock market is just beginning to hint of the hard
times that I see ahead. The almost insane world of debt is rolling
close to the cliff and I see increasingly hard times ahead. Crumbling
debt will act like a cement roller, crushing everything in its path.
The occasional rebound or bounces on the lows will be sudden and
short lived. As of now, both the Dow and the S&P are down for
the year. I call this Stage One. Stage Two will occur if the Dow
sinks into the 10,000 area. Stage Two Point Five will occur if the
Dow starts trading below 10,000. I think if the Dow trades under
10,000, consumer sentiment will change from hope to fear and anxiety.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Our Future

May December Romances Overseas

May December Romances Overseas

TRB on GoArticles

Text the Romance Back - Relationships and Romance

TRB on GoArticles

Text the Romance Back - Relationships and Romance http://bit.ly/uN5Jo7

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Minggu, 27 November 2011

The Old Man and The Sea - YouTube

The Old Man and The Sea - YouTube

Too Cool

Mme Scherzo - There are three classes of people: those who see,...

Mme Scherzo - There are three classes of people: those who see,...:

There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.

Leonardo da Vinci

"stand by me" across the world - YouTube

"stand by me" across the world - YouTube

stand by me

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo:

Behold your paradise of free sex and love without the constraints of marital bondage!

Fatherless children who have no bonds, no loyalties, no inheritance. They are largely uneducated, violent and poor.

Their own futures are limited by the lack of leadership that they can emulate from a father showing them how to work, provide, build and love.

It is a tragedy. And it is our future destruction.

Our children, born of mothers who are unmarried, unloved, uneducated and poor, will become the class of thugs who eagerly do a tyrant’s bidding.

~Mme Scherzo http://madamescherzo.tumblr.com

TRB on Wordpress

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Text the Romance Back on TypePad

Romance Messages

Why Men Aren’t Romantic

Powerful Text Messages -

Text the Romance Back

Christopher Hitchens: Unspoken Truths | Culture | Vanity Fair

Christopher Hitchens: Unspoken Truths | Culture | Vanity Fair:

I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,
And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker,
And in short, I was afraid.
—T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”
Text the Romance Back - - http://txtromance.com/text-romance/ http://bit.ly/u1wPiq

Son of Newt

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Teaching Good Sex - NYTimes.com

Teaching Good Sex - NYTimes.com

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings: prayer

We do not presume to come to this your table, merciful Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in your manifold and great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under your table, but you are the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy.

—Thomas Cramner, Book of Common Prayer

TRB on Hubpages

TRB - Hubpages

Text the Romance Back on Squidoo

Handbook for the Romance Clueless

profile on hi5

TRB on Multiply

Jumat, 25 November 2011


Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

Living the
vanishing middle class American dream in ticky-tacky
little boxes
is an illusion of security. You don't need any
of that stuff to be happy. Actually, it can make you unhappy, because
it starts to own you, more than you own it. You get involved in
the "rat race," and before you know it you're old, tired,
and relying on Social Security or the kindness of others. Grubbing
for roots and berries is only fun – at least once you've reached
a certain age – when you don't really have to do it.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

China Woes

world is interconnected - http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
Long known
as a China Bull, Rogers turned pessimistic about China's economic
future in light of the on-going economic malaise in the U.S. and
Europe. "I don't see a resumption of the bull market in many
places in the world until we have the next economic problems in
the US, which will be fairly soon," says Rogers.
Read more at lewrockwell.com

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo:

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

More on Text/SMS Dating

Texting Recommendations for Restoring Romance - http://txtromance.com/text-romance/ http://bit.ly/tYx71j

trb - livejournal

Text the Romance Back - Love SMS Romance

Text the Romance Back on Slashdot

Texting Secrets for Refreshing Relationships - http://5aebcxnwbiqfzl5n7pxfvzs8tm.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=FWDS

Kamis, 24 November 2011

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings

A real Christian is an odd number anyway.

He feels supreme love for one whom he has never seen;
talks familiarly every day to someone he cannot see;
expects to go to heaven on the virtue of another;
empties himself in order to be full;
admits he is wrong so he can be declared right;
goes down in order to get up;
is strongest when he is weakest;
richest when he is poorest;
and happiest when he feels the worst.

He dies so he can live;
forsakes in order to have;
gives away so he can keep;
sees the invisible,
hears the inaudible,
and knows that which passes knowledge.

The man who has met God is not looking for anything; he has found it. He is not searching for light, for upon him the light has already shined. His certainty may seem bigoted, but his assurance is that of one who knows by experience his religion is not hearsay. He is not a copy, not a facsimile. He is an original from the hand of the Holy Spirit.

—A.W. Tozer (1897-1963)

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings: May I be poor, afflicted, despised and have thy blessing, rather than be successful in enterprise, or have more than my heart can wish, or be admired by my fellow-men, if thereby these things make me forget thee.

May I regard the world as dreams, lies, vanities, vexation of spirit, and desires to depart from it. And may I seek my happiness in thy favour, image, presence, service.

—The Valley of Vision

(Source: cierabgardner)

Via Prone to Wander

Rabu, 23 November 2011


Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
, CEO of General Motors: "The ’08 recession, which was
a credit bubble that manifested itself through primarily the real
estate market, that was a serious stress....This is much more serious."
Jim Rogers: "In 2002
it was bad, in 2008 it was worse and 2012 or 2013 is going to be
worse still – be careful"
Read more at lewrockwell.com

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo: We are born knowing nothing and with much striving we learn but a little; yet all the while we are bound by laws that hearken to no plea of ignorance, and measure out their rewards and punishments with calm indifference. In such a state, humility is the virtue of men, and their only defense; to walk humbly with God, never doubting, whatever befall, that His will is good, and that His law is right.

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo: We are born knowing nothing and with much striving we learn but a little; yet all the while we are bound by laws that hearken to no plea of ignorance, and measure out their rewards and punishments with calm indifference. In such a state, humility is the virtue of men, and their only defense; to walk humbly with God, never doubting, whatever befall, that His will is good, and that His law is right.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

words are my euphoria

words are my euphoria:
"If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you."

— Winnie the Pooh

(Source: silenceismyeuphoria)

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Photo Essay: Agent Orange, by Lam Yik Fei | Invisible Ph t grapher Asia

Photo Essay: Agent Orange, by Lam Yik Fei | Invisible Ph t grapher Asia

Sea organ at sunset, Zadar, Dalmatia, Croatia - YouTube

Sea organ at sunset, Zadar, Dalmatia, Croatia - YouTube

too cool

AMERICAN DIGEST: Comment on Notes on Love and Death

AMERICAN DIGEST: Comment on Notes on Love and Death:

In every government, though terrors reign,
Though tyrant kings, or tyrant laws restrain,
How small, of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure!

Notes on Love and Death @ AMERICAN DIGEST

Notes on Love and Death @ AMERICAN DIGEST
"The Politics of life are easy. It's the Poetics that are tough."

I'm still working out what I meant when I wrote that. It'll take me life plus 99 years.

The Poetics of life are much more persistent in their knocking at the door of your inner self than the Politics. Politics have their seasons, but the Poetics are our constant companions, waking and sleeping, thinking and dreaming. In a very real sense, since they run deeper than the Politics, the Poetics are the Politics' power source. But what are the Poetics about? Simply put, they are "like all Greek songs, about love and death."

I've done a dance or two with death over the years. I've found that he's not very graceful and he always wants to lead.

Once, during a long-lost summer, I was the night driver for a hearse at a mortuary. In the wee small hours of the morning, I'd drive the on-duty mortician to pick up a man or a woman's or a child's body from wherever it had become just a body. In the hot California delta night I'd drive the mortician, both of us in Blues Brothers suits, to a hospital basement, a home bedroom, a city morgue, or, one time, to a shabby skid row hotel where the leaking wicker basket holding the suicide had to be held vertically in the creaking ancient elevator for all eight slow floors.

I've been alone in the waiting room with my mother when the surgeon, still drying his hands on a towel, walked through the door and said, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Van der Leun, but we just couldn't stop the bleeding."

I've stood in a room high above Central Park West where the only sound was a death rattle in an old man's throat, and told the doctor on the telephone that there was really no reason to send the emergency resuscitation crew for the twelfth time in half as many months. I sat quietly holding the old man's hand for around thirty minutes until his breathing stopped. Then I left that room, told my in-laws he was dead, and watched them mask their expressions of relief.

I've found my name carved into the stone monument at Battery Park that lists those that died at sea during the Second World War. I've found the names of two men I went to high school with carved on the Vietnam wall in Washington.

If I'd managed to keep one address book for my contemporaries since graduating from high school, it would, as they say, be beginning to fill up with dead people and that rate would increase.

I've stood on the Promenade on the Heights and seen two towers fall and reduce thousands of people to ash and dust in what seemed like less time than it has taken you to read to this period.

I have sometimes, I confess, "been half in love with easeful death," but no one living escapes that siren call. The trick there is to lash yourself to the mast of the day, pray, and somehow, through the grace of God, just sail on by.

By now, like many others of my age, I've seen death personally and professionally, retail and wholesale. There really is, when you move with it, nothing to love about the dance of death. The only response is, as Prufrock knew, to see "the eternal Footman hold my coat and snicker, and in short, I was afraid."

So I know something -- not a lot, but something -- about that old Greek theme of death and it scares me about as much as it should scare, I imagine, any man. And, having now briefly been dead, the fear is perhaps less shrill but more persistent; a tempo of a fading drum heard far off, cast back over the horizon but still approaching.

What I know increasingly little about, and what really frightens me, is the other theme of the Greek songs, love. These days it seems that it will take more than a lifetime to figure love out.

Love frightens me because, unlike death, love cannot be understood. Love can only be given, gotten, taken or dropped. Like death, it would seem that, once discovered, there's no end to it -- or, to take Hemingway's point of view, no good end to it since one way or another death will trump love -- in this world at least.

Love is where the Poetics of life collide with the Politics. It's a collision where the possibility having to call in the MedEvac helicopter and the coroner is always present; where wreckage is assured and survival never promised. Falling in love is, as a comedian noted, like buying a puppy. You are purchasing a tragedy.

No, that's not quite right. Say rather you are purchasing a hybrid; a tragicomedy or a comic tragedy, since love always has, for those of us removed from its immediate drama, elements of the ridiculous, slices of the sublime, and not a few moments of boffo laughter at the shambling human animal.

Still, it would be nice if I could understand the nature of love and my absurd role in the love dramas of my life. If the joke, in the end, is on me it would be nice to be able to say that I "get it."

Nice but not, I think, necessary. Even if I never get it, I do know one thing for certain about love, "I wouldn't have missed it for the world."

Cornucopia Institute

Amplify’d from articles.mercola.com

The Cornucopia Institute is an organic industry watch dog. Their core constituencies are the family farmers across the U.S. Currently, Cornucopia has more organic farmers as members than any other group in the country, and what they lack in financial resources and political influence, they make up for with a coalition of dedicated farmers and passionate consumers and providers of organic foods.

Read more at articles.mercola.com

Selasa, 15 November 2011

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Minggu, 13 November 2011




NOVEMBER 8, AD 2011 8:09 PM MST

I read the grand jury report on Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky and couldn’t believe what I was reading. I’m not going to link to it because it is awful. If you want to read it you can find it yourself. It wasn’t the fact that Sandusky was a pedophile that was so shocking. We all know about the horror of pedophilia and that it exists in the world. No, what really shook me were the actions of the people around Sandusky - and two of those people in particular.

One was a 28 year old (at the time) graduate assistant in the Penn State football program. He testified before the grand jury, and the grand jury found him to be “extremely credible”. This grad assistant testified that he literally walked in on Sandusky anally raping a ten year old boy in the Penn State football locker room showers. Right in the middle of the act itself. He even testified that both Sandusky and the child turned and looked at him - in the middle of the rape act.

What did this grad assistant do? He ran away. He ran away from a child in the midst of being raped. The next day he went to Joe Paterno’s house and told Joe Paterno what he saw. In this we have the proof that Joe Paterno KNEW what Sandusky was, and he basically let it slide. For this, Joe Paterno deserves not only to lose his job, but he also deserves to spend some time in prison. Aw, but he’s a kind old man. That may be. But that “kind old man” let a man whom he KNEW to be a child rapist to have the run of his football facility.

What should Joe Paterno have done, you may ask. Well, let’s look to history. Have you ever noticed, or thought it strange, that there is no significant mention of child rapists in the courts or prisons in Western Civilization up until about 100 years ago? Why do you think this is? Is it because sex crimes against children are a recent invention? No. The difference is that up until recently, society was healthy enough that it was able to police itself when necessary. When men were caught, and I mean CAUGHT IN THE ACT, like Sandusky, of raping a child, justice was carried out almost instantaneously. There was no need to involve the courts and humiliate and further traumatize the poor child. The crime was eyewitnessed, and the penalty was an absolute given. And so, the men of the community would discreetly either shoot or hang the pedophile. And it was over. The child could move on, and the men in the community moved on secure in the knowledge that the pedophile would never harm another child, with most of the community remaining unscandalized having known nothing about it, and the pedophile, knowing that he was about to die, was also afforded the mercy of the knowledge and understanding of the urgent need for his repentance and to earnestly beg God’s forgiveness before he died. This was, by far, the best possible outcome for all concerned.

But what do we do today? Apparently, most people do nothing. They are too narcissistic, too greedy, and too cowardly to act, even if it means to save a child who is being raped. Joe Paterno was more concerned with his reputation and Penn State’s reputation, and so he watered down Sandusky’s crime to mere “horseplay” and let it slide. Joe Paterno spent YEARS sitting in meetings, palling around, back-slapping, glad-handing and socializing with a man he KNEW to be a child rapist. The mind reels. And I’ll say it again: Paterno should spend some time in prison, as should anyone who aids and abets a pedophile.

Now back to the grad assistant. He wasn’t alone. There was another instance in exactly the same showers when a janitor walked in on Sandusky orally raping another young boy of about 11 years of age. This janitor was so shaken by the grotesquery of what he had seen, even remarking to his co-workers that it was far worse than the intense combat carnage he saw in Vietnam, that his co-workers thought the man was going to have a heart attack. But again, what did the janitor do upon catching Sandusky? He RAN AWAY. He didn’t try to stop any of it. He just ran.

And this is a microcosm of the problem with our culture and why it is collapsing. There is evil in the world, and up until recently, we Christians had the strength and moral authority to not just confront evil, but to literally run at it in a full battle charge when we came across it. That is what we are supposed to do. Those men should have each rushed Sandusky and then either beat him into unconsciousness or broken his arms and legs, thus immobilizing him. They should have then covered and secured the child, and then called 911. But these men were so cowed by their own self-absorption, with both admitting to have feared for their respective positions at the time, that they literally ran away from a child in the midst of being brutally raped.

This is a sick and yet pristine allegory for what is happening to this culture on a macro scale today. We SEE what those “in power”, like Sandusky, are doing. We keep catching them in flagrante dilecto and are so overcome with fear, so far removed from Christ and His strength, that we do NOTHING. We slink away into the shadows of self-preservation. And more children are slaughtered. And more Mexican civilians are killed. And more money is stolen. And more mosques are built.

And so, to finish out the allegory, I am the person who came around that corner and saw the child being raped, and instead of running away and keeping my job, I bayonet-charged the rapist like a mercenary honey badger. There is no guarantee that I will be successful. My enemies are now simultaneously the Obama regime and the entire muslim death cult.

BUT, can you IMAGINE how those two boys felt when they saw a man there who could save them, and then seeing that man run away? The wound from that might have been worse than the wound from Sandusky himself. Those boys knew Sandusky was a pervert. What must have been hell for them was trying to figure out why the men who COULD have saved them, didn’t. Being abandoned is far, far worse than being violently attacked. You can get your head around being violently attacked - the violent attacker wants something from you. Abandonment simply says, “You’re not worth it.” Even if those men had just stood there and screamed at Sandusky, at least those boys would have known that someone gave a crap about them.

I guess you could say that what I’m doing between my private war against islam and my tax strike is trying to leave a record that someone actually gave a crap.

Sorry to have conceitedly worked myself into the allegory, but the “put yourself in those shoes” lesson about cowardice jumped out at me as being very instructive. Pray for Sandusky’s victims, which as of this writing are now numbered at over twenty boys. There will likely be more, as Sandusky was a stone-cold predator who had plenty of people “throwing blocks” for him.

I’ve no words.


Reflejos: We are born knowing nothing and with much striving we learn but a little; yet all the while we are bound by laws that hearken to no plea of ignorance, and measure out their rewards and punishments with calm indifference. In such a state, humility is the virtue of men, and their only defense; to walk humbly with God, never doubting, whatever befall, that His will is good, and that His law is right.

Paul Elmer More, Pages from an Oxford Diary

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo - fullerart: Tee Off Here is a young model in the...

Mme Scherzo - fullerart: Tee Off Here is a young model in the...

Beethoven: Clarinet Trio Op. 11, mvt 3 - YouTube

Beethoven: Clarinet Trio Op. 11, mvt 3 - YouTube

Mme Scherzo

Mme Scherzo: There was a dawn I remember when
my soul heard something from your soul.
I drank water from your spring
and felt the current take me.

Rumi (via thelittlephilosopher)




cop blocker

AMERICAN DIGEST: Comment on On Sunday Morning One Month After Death

AMERICAN DIGEST: Comment on On Sunday Morning One Month After Death: We are born knowing nothing and with much striving we learn
but a little; yet all the while we are bound by laws that
hearken to no plea of ignorance, and measure out their rewards
and punishments with calm indifference. In such a state,
humility is the virtue of men, and their only defense; to walk
humbly with God, never doubting, whatever befall, that His will
is good, and that His law is right.

Paul More, Pages from an Oxford Diary



Sabtu, 12 November 2011


A Thought-provoking Collection of Quotes on Grief


MEMORIAL QUOTES ON GRIEF: "If you're going through hell, keep going." ~Winston Churchill

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal". ~From a headstone in Ireland


MEMORIAL QUOTES ON GRIEF: "The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of confusion or despair, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing... not healing... not curing... that is a friend indeed." --Henri Nouwen


Mark Sisson is now the primal guru. http://burndownthefreakingmission.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
A few months
back, I linked to an article
about a guy who experienced an unexpected benefit after Hurricane
Irene knocked out his power for several days: he started sleeping
much, much better. Instead of staying up late on the computer or
with the TV blaring and going to bed at the usual 11:30 or midnight,
he found himself yawning around 9 PM and getting to bed at 10. It
was the best sleep of his life, and even better – the effects
persisted even after the power returned. He had effectively entrained
his circadian rhythm
to the natural cycle of light and dark.
This is basic stuff to you guys, but bear with me.
Read more at lewrockwell.com

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Is Europe On The Verge Of Another Great Depression – Or A Great Inflation? � The Baseline Scenario

Is Europe On The Verge Of Another Great Depression – Or A Great Inflation? � The Baseline Scenario inflation if europe

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zombie wars

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Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

Of course,
looking at the cost of killing people merely underlines the absurdity
of the whole enterprise. You might just as well say that a good
war is one where people don’t die. If that is true, the War
on Terror is almost perfect. Hardly anyone dies. Which is not surprising,
since there are hardly any terrorists. It is a war on nobody…with
the intention of not winning…over a long period of time…at
great expense. It is a zombie war, designed for the benefit of the
industry behind it, not for the people who pay the bills.

Al Qaeda spent
only about $500,000 in its attacks on the World Trade Center and
the Pentagon. If its goal was to bring the US to its knees, this
investment was probably the most rewarding in the history of military
conflict. In reaction to this tiny investment and the trivial risk
it represented, the US spent 10,000,000 times as much, the largest
mis-investment of valuable resources the world has ever seen.
Read more at lewrockwell.com