Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Global Warming

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

The science
is now all-but-settled on global warming, convincing new evidence
demonstrates, but Al Gore, the IPCC and other global warming doomsayers
won’t be celebrating. The new findings point to cosmic rays
and the sun – not human activities – as the dominant
controller of climate on Earth.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Preview of Obama's January 2012 Victory Bus Tour - YouTube

Preview of Obama's January 2012 Victory Bus Tour - YouTube

loving your job

If you don't have a job doing what you love, what are you waiting for? http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from www.jamesaltucher.com

4)      He loved what he did. I don’t think real success could come any other way. It seems like the formula is passion + creativity + persistence + process. When sickness was forcing him to retire (about a year before his death) he said to Al Roker on the Today Show: “”I never dreamed that this would happen to me. I always had the feeling that I would stay with the strip until I was in my early eighties, or something like that. But all of sudden it’s gone. I did not take it away. This has been taken away from me.””

Read more at www.jamesaltucher.com

Liquidate Your Local Police

A trend? Probably for economic more than corruption reasons. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

The Secret Language Code: Scientific American

The Secret Language Code: Scientific American

pronouns health

land of the free

And more lies we have been taught. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
Americans now
live in one of the world's least free prison camps yet when asked
they will tell you they live in the land of the free and, on top
of that, they are attacking and occupying countries who did nothing
to them because "they hate us for our freedom"!

They've been
indoctrinated all of their formative years in mandatory children
concentration camps (public schools or private, government regulated
schools) and the Government and Federal Reserve has destroyed the
economy to the point that it is the rare mother who actually stays
home with her kids. Mom and Dad are both out working because they
can't afford not to. And even if they can, the government promotes
"women's liberation", which like all government programs,
means the opposite of what it is called - and Mom works a full day
before returning home exhausted and then giving her kids another
few hours of brainwashing via television to complete the full day
of programming. They even call it that right to their face... "we
now return to your regularly scheduled programming". It's okay,
no one ever figures it out.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

(52 unread) - jdr1228@yahoo.com - Yahoo! Mail

(52 unread) - jdr1228@yahoo.com - Yahoo! Mail

How to create a Windows 7 Backup Image

Sure, you back up all your important data files, but a nice feature of Windows 7's built-in backup program is that it can create a complete system backup image, which will restore all your programs and settings too. Here's how to do it:

1. Click Start and in the Search box, type Backup

2. Click Backup and Restore in the list of programs shown

3. In the left pane, click Create A System Image

4. Select a location where you want to save the system image. It should not be on the same partition where Windows is installed

5. Click Next

6. Choose which drive to back up. To back up your operating system and program files, select the drive where Windows is installed, usually C:

7. Click Start Backup

8. After the backup finishes (which could take a while if you have lots of programs and/or data), click Create a System Repair Disk in the left pane

9. Insert a blank DVD or CD and click Create Disk Now you can use the System Repair Disk and your system image to restore your computer.

Job Losses

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Christians and War

I'm not sure why we have onward christian soldiers. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

If there is
any group of people that should be opposed to war, torture, militarism,
the warfare state, state worship, suppression of civil liberties,
an imperial presidency, blind nationalism, government propaganda,
and an aggressive foreign policy it is Christians, and especially
conservative, evangelical, and fundamentalist Christians who claim
to strictly follow the dictates of Scripture and worship the Prince
of Peace. It is indeed strange that Christian people should be so
accepting of war. War is the greatest suppressor of civil liberties.
War is the greatest destroyer of religion, morality, and decency.
War is the greatest creator of fertile ground for genocides and
atrocities. War is the greatest destroyer of families and young
lives. War is the greatest creator of famine, disease, and homelessness.
War is the health of the state.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Latest from Doug Casey

Question him at your own risk. http://burndownthefreakingmission.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

Sure, but nobody but crazy goldbugs even thinks about that. And
it gets worse: The current course guarantees the total destruction
of the U.S. dollar. Again, I cannot emphasize enough how serious
this is. People all around the world save in dollars. If the dollar
is destroyed, it won’t just be Americans who’re hurt,
it will be all the hard-working people around the world who’ve
struggled to scrimp and save and put money away for future needs.
All these people who were wise and frugal, they are going to be
wiped out. They are going to be left with absolutely nothing.
This is criminal – it’s the stuff revolutions are made
of. And that’s exactly what I expect we’ll see plenty
of, all around the globe.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Mobile Friendly Websites

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Red Meat Scare

Mark Sisson on the recent news re red meat and processed meat - http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
Sure enough,
they found a link between processed meat intake and type
2 diabetes, with a smaller link between unprocessed red meat and
the illness
. A daily 50 gram serving of processed red meat
was associated with a 51% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes,
while a 100 gram serving of fresh red meat represented a 19% increased
risk. Unprocessed meat included "beef, lamb, or pork as main dish"
(roasts, steaks, chops), "hamburgers" (but I'm sure they got bunless
burgers, right?), and "beef, pork, or lamb as sandwich or mixed
dish" (served up on coconut
bread, no doubt). Processed meat meant "hot dogs," "bacon,"
"sausage, salami, bologna, and other processed red meats."

To give a complete
picture of the data, I'll briefly discuss what the "heavy meat eaters"
did when they weren't eating red meat. You tell me if you notice
any alarming trends that might have something to do with type 2
diabetes. Folks in the highest quintiles of meat intake were the
least active and the most sedentary. They exercised the least and
smoked the most tobacco. They drank more alcohol than any other
quintile. They guzzled more soda and other sweetened beverages.
In the high meat quintiles, folks ate 800 more calories per day
than folks in the low meat quintiles. They were much heavier, too
(all muscle,
I'm sure). Trans
intake was higher in the high-meat quintiles, too, as was
intake (since these data included the years before trans fats were
taken out of fast food deep fryers, I'm thinking these guys enjoyed
a burger and French fry value meal on occasion). They ate the least
amount of fiber from grains, indicating they probably ate the most
refined grains, drank the most coffee, and ate the fewest fruits
and vegetables. In short, people who ate the most red and
were also the unhealthiest by both Primal and mainstream
And if what they were doing was actually healthy
or neutral (like drink coffee
and avoid fiber
from grains), it wasn't by design. These people (all health professionals,
ironically) most likely didn't particularly care about their health.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

a good start

Urban Farms

Definitely a possibility - http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com - Is Detroit next?

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
Urban Farms
In Oakland,
California, where I live, urban homesteading – growing food on private
land for small-scale trade and consumption – has become so common
the city government has backed off a bit. In a rare triumph for
sanity and freedom, anachronistic zoning ordinances from 1965 are
being liberalized to accommodate the city farmers. Molly
Samuel writes at KQED
city has already made some changes; it's now legal to grow and
sell vegetables on an empty lot with a conditional use permit.
. . . Oakland North reports one of the hotly debated topics [at
a city meeting] was animal husbandry: Should Oaklanders be permitted
to raise, slaughter, and sell animals? Or not?"

Despite the
remaining government bureaucracy, we have to cheer on the homesteaders.
They are so impossible to ignore, hundreds of them flooding a city
meeting, that the tyranny of zoning is being ratcheted back for

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Creative Juices

Good ideas for getting the juices flowing again. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

Real estate
is another area that can still be turned upside down. Airbnb is
only the start. Zillow is only the start. There’s a million
ways. Take any topic that is practically a religious topic. Say
out loud, “the way the world does this right now is bull-shit”
and start thinking “why” and “how” to make it
better. You’re not going to solve all the world’s problems
right here. This is all to just start off exercising the creativity
muscles. You need to start firing those neurons or axons or whatever
again. But you never know, sometimes if you exercise enough, you
can actually become a professional piano mover.

Read more at lewrockwell.com


Eric Margolis gets a lot of things right. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

do not create jobs; industry does. Voters keep forgetting this basic
truth when demanding that their elected officials produce jobs for
the unemployed.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

First Ever Ancestral Health Symposium

A good place to start before a worse economy forces one to start. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com
First Ever Ancestral Health Symposium

Readers not so familiar with this movement will ask: what exactly
is ancestral health? The Ancestral Health website describes it this
way: "The Ancestral Health Symposium fosters collaboration
among scientists, healthcare professionals and laypersons who study
and communicate about health from an evolutionary perspective to
develop solutions to our modern health challenges." The conference
speakers and attendees included MDs, scientists, PhDs-to-be, medical
school students, health and medical writers, authors, fitness specialists,
nonconformist nutritionists, filmmakers, psychologists, bariatric
specialists, bloggers, health hobbyists, lifestyle writers, and
intelligent laypeople who understand that they don’t need a special
degree from the education establishment to learn about, and live,
the ancestral health lifestyle.

The ancestral health audience is often synonymous with the paleo
culture (Paleolithic-type
); the primal lifestylers as championed by Mark
; the real foodists (natural, whole foods; not industrial-chemical
concoctions); and the eco-agricultural lifestylers (such as those
who associate with the magnificent Weston A. Price Foundation).
I would describe the ancestral health movement as a force for educating
people in order to equip them with the intellectual tools that are
necessary to deny the conventional wisdom of the special interests
and the government-medical corporatocracy so they can become accountable
for their own health and life. This movement strives to educate
people through science – and so many people do so much hard work
for free, and that is because it is a purely grass-roots movement
dedicated to spreading knowledge and helping others through voluntary
and cooperative efforts. I know, that sounds mighty darn libertarian,
doesn’t it?

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

American Riots

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with
Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence
I expect in the other 3
areas on the list
and all urban areas in the US, will make all
other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused
with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs and violence. There is
no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity
and combination of these factors.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Does Muscle at Rest Burn More Calories

Who used my photo without permission? http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from www.marksdailyapple.com

biceps 1The hallowed halls of the Academy of Broscience contain untold tomes of knowledge, wisdom, and recipes for “sick” pump stacks. Over the years, their scholars have elucidated the arcane esoterica of muscle confusion, thereby making it palatable for the layman. They discovered that any gram of carbohydrate eaten after dusk turns immediately to fat, and that curling in the squat rack engages more muscle fibers than curling elsewhere. Their field researchers are reportedly close to confirming the existence of spot reduction. But perhaps their greatest contribution to modern physical culture has been the establishment of the unassailable fact that muscle burns fifty times more calories than fat, at fifty calories per pound per day. (Even Dr. Oz says it, so it must be true.) As they have so painstakingly shown, adding twenty pounds of muscle increases your resting metabolic rate by 1000 calories. With that kind of leeway, you could eat a delicious twenty egg-white microwaved omelet with low-fat cheese and a side of plain oats and never worry about body fat accumulation!

Read more at www.marksdailyapple.com

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

‪Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes‬‏ - YouTube

‪Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes‬‏ - YouTube

‪Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes‬‏ - YouTube

‪Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes‬‏ - YouTube

Is a Mobile Friendly Website Essential for Your Corporation

Major shifts are taking place in the ways buyers, valued clientele, and patients access the Internet. If you are not generating a mobile friendly website to stay in communication, you are providing 16% of your business to your competition. And that's at this point, when only 1% of businesses have a mobile friendly form of their websites served up to their clientele's mobile devices. http://bit.ly/pUEue6

Major shifts are taking place in the ways customers, clientele, and potential buyers access the Internet. If you are not generating a mobile friendly website to stay in contact, you are providing 16% of your business to your competition. And that's now, when only 1% of corporations have a mobile friendly version of their websites served up to their clientele's mobile devices. http://www.squidoo.com/mobile-friendly-website-clixforbrix http://bit.ly/neUM5T

Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

I Don’t Know How to Be a Good Father Altucher Confidential

I Don’t Know How to Be a Good Father Altucher Confidential



Brodsky on S&P Downgrade | The Big Picture

Brodsky on S&P Downgrade | The Big Picture

Is a Mobile Friendly Website Required for Your Corporation

Mobile Friendly Websites - Is a Mobile Friendly Website Required for Your Corporation

Major shifts are taking place in the ways consumers, users, and visitors access the Internet.  If you are not using a mobile friendly website to remain in contact, you are giving 16% of your business to your competitors.  And that's at this point, when only 1% of small businesses have a mobile friendly form of their websites served up to their customer's mobile devices.

If you don't have a mobile presence, you risk losing ground to your competition, failing to relate with consumers, and missing out on opportunities to expand and strengthen your online internet marketing.  The responsibility now falls on site owners to take advantage of the exceptional possibilities mobile provides for connecting with the mounting number of site visitors who will certainly access their website on mobile phones.

More people every day are using iPhones, BlackBerries, Androids, smartphones, and cell phones to find companies, delve into products, and get in touch with businesses.

Making your site mobile friendly will guarantee that you reach a broader section of the target audience.  Many websites have content specially optimized for mobile visitors. The content might be simply reformatted for the normally smaller mobile displays, or it might be in a different format.

Mobile users outnumber PC users, 4 to 1. Most websites won't display properly on a mobile phone.  Most mobile sites are slow to load, hard to view, and don't offer the right kind of experience for on-the go customers.

Mobile websites are specifically designed for handheld devices - no one wants to browse a desktop website on their smartphone.  Research on mobile website usability shows that mobile-optimized websites dramatically enhance user experience and satisfaction, which makes a positive feeling when it counts.

A ClixForBrix mobile friendly website resolves these issues and satisfies your mobile visitors by giving them quick and easy access to the main information about your business. A ClixForBrix site is created with the mobile user in mind. You save customers and clients time and money, and you readily transform them into happy, paying customers.

As a customer, you can make me a raving fan for a couple of dollars a month - without paying thousands on phone apps and without changing your existing website.


By adding a mobile friendly website that loads automatically in any browser when a customer uses a smartphone to check your site.

A mobile friendly website permits you to immediately engage users with mobile-specific features such as click-to-call and mapping. Furthermore, if you are a local business, mobile is specifically significant as more and more visitors find your site via location-aware technology that connects users to your website when they are in close geographic proximity.

A mobile friendly website places you in a position to stand out amid competitors - if your website does not appear good on a smartphone, users will move on to one that does. A mobile friendly website ensures that you - not your competition - capture visitor attention while you still have it. 

Your mobile friendly website can provide your customers direct access to your:

- phone number
- fax number
- address
- hours of operation
- map
- directions

and more, based on the description of your company.  With mobile web fast taking over, you would definitely be closing doors to potential clients if you don’t make your site mobile friendly.

A mobile friendly site offers your visitors essential information in a format simple to read on a wireless phone.

Mobile websites are created to take advantage of the special features of mobile phones to give the best possible experience to visitors. Besides adapting to the smaller screen of a mobile phone, they are additionally made easier to navigate by means of touch or a keypad and provide more direct access to the info that a customer is likely to need while on the go.

No doubt you are starting to see and read more and more concerning QR Codes lately.  This means that your advertisements, brochures, posters - even billboards - can contain QR codes which will direct visitors to mobile landing pages that contain much more information and interactivity than can be afforded on the printed page. This integration between print and web via mobile provides a new dimension of communication to any marketing or outreach effort.

With a well-optimized, mobile friendly website, your visitors will probably prefer to visit your website on their phone instead of a PC.

Even on high-end devices with large touch-screens, a mobile friendly website helps your site visitors quickly become happy customers with content and a design that’s suited to someone in a mobile context.  For example, potential customers can use the unique features of the mobile phone to get in touch with you such as the ‘call us’ feature, where with one touch they dial your business, and the ‘find us’ feature, which provides access to a Google map showing your business address and allowing the customer to obtain directions from their present location to your business.

This is the best time to have a mobile friendly site.  You will get noticed quicker.

Here's one thing I bet you didn't know:

Google Indexes Mobile Friendly Websites Separately

Consider the possibilities.

For Googlebot and Googlebot-Mobile, the URL organization does not matter as long as the user sees the correct page. For example, if I redirect mobile users from clixforbrix.com to m.clixforbrix.com, Googlebot-Mobile will understand, and both websites will be crawled and added to the appropriate index.

A mobile friendly website is usually a much less restrictive way to build a mobile presence as opposed to app development. 

Although you are able to add more pages to your mobile friendly website, you want to keep it lean and focused and fast loading on cell phones.

You can add a link on your main website to your ClixForBrix mobile friendly website. This can help increase awareness that the mobile friendly site is an option. This functionality is included as part of the ClixForBrix package, and can be easily put in place by the designer of your website or by us.

A few lines of code is what sends surfers to either your main website or your mobile website, depending on what device they’re using. For instance, if someone is accessing your website from a mobile phone, the mobile friendly website is shown.  If they’re accessing your site from a desktop computer, the main website is displayed.

Check your website to see if it's mobile friendly:  http://validator.w3.org/mobile/

Odds are, it's not.  See how a few of my websites rate:  http://clixforbrix.com/w3c-mobileok-checker/

ClixForBrix is a service that makes your small business easily available to mobile users with a fast and easy mobile friendly website. Millions of individuals are currently using their mobile phones to surf the Web and look for information and services. ClixForBrix ensures customers can easily find your business anywhere, anytime.

Thanks to its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, clients get immediate access on their mobile phone to all important information about your business and are able to contact you with just one click or touch.  In addition, you can choose whether or not to automatically send your mobile friendly website to wireless phone users, or include a link on your primary site giving the visitor the choice of which website to view.

All of this is hosted on our servers.  We create custom, php based, fast loading websites for all Internet enabled phones.

~ Charles Lamm

Tags:  mobile friendly website, mobile sms marketing


Charles Lamm


My profiles: Facebook Flickr Twitter Digg Blogger
Twitter Latest tweet: Mobile Friendly Websites - Are Mobile Friendly Websites Totally Crucial for Your Business *http://bit.ly/o34oan http://bit.ly/q20HQe
  Get this email app!  

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Mobile Friendly Websites - Are Mobile Friendly Websites Totally Crucial for Your Business

Major shifts are taking place in the ways consumers, purchasers, and visitors access the Internet. If you are not generating a mobile friendly website to remain in communication, you are giving 16% of your business to your competition. And that's at this point, when only 1% of businesses have a mobile friendly version of their websites served up to their customer's mobile devices. - http://clixforbrix.com

Do we really want freedom?

Amplify’d from lewrockwell.com

For example:
Try and find a Republican who will support the elimination
of taxes on real estate – so that people can really own their
homes and land. Instead he will talk about “our children’s
future” and the importance of having “good schools”
– paid for with the liberty of home and land “owners”
who are in fact feudal serfs permitted temporary and conditional
use of the county’s property so long as the annual property
tax is paid. It is as hard to find a Republican who will say that
it is the responsibility of parents to provide for the education
of their children – not the parents’ neighbors
– as it is to find a purple Brontosaurus in Central Park. The
Republican conception of property rights – and thus,
of human rights – is as crippled from the get-go as
the left-liberal Democrat conception of them.

Read more at lewrockwell.com

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Mobile Friendly Website - Is a Mobile Friendly Website Totally Critical for Your Organization

Significant shifts are taking place in the ways customers, valued clientele, and patients access the Internet. If you are not generating a mobile friendly website to stay in contact, you are providing 16% of your business to your competitors. And that's now, when only 1% of businesses have a mobile friendly form of their websites served up to their clientele's mobile devices.

If you don't have a mobile presence, you risk losing ground to your competitors, failing to connect with viewers, and missing out on possibilities to broaden and strengthen your online internet marketing. The responsibility now falls on website owners to take advantage of the exceptional possibilities mobile provides for connecting with the growing number of visitors who will inevitably access their website on mobile phones.



W3C mobileOK Checker

See how mobile friendly your website is: W3C mobileOK Checker - http://validator.w3.org/mobile/

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

Mobile Friendly Websites - Before Your Competition

If you don't have a mobile presence, you risk losing ground to your competition, failing to unite with customers, and missing out on opportunities to expand and strengthen your online internet marketing. The accountability now falls on website owners to take advantage of the exceptional possibilities mobile provides for connecting with the growing number of visitors who will without doubt access their website on mobile devices.

Believe me when I tell you this. Your current website is close to useless for clients who use a mobile phone/device to access the Web. It's not your mistake. It's not even your web designer's slipup.

Making your site mobile friendly will make certain that you reach a broader section of the target audience. Many sites have content expressly optimized for mobile visitors. The content might be merely reformatted for the generally smaller mobile displays, or it can be in a different format.

Mobile Friendly Websites - Get Ahead of Your Competitors

Mobile Friendly Websites - Get Ahead of Your Competitors

If you don't have a mobile website, you risk losing ground to your competition, failing to connect with users, and missing out on possibilities to broaden and strengthen your online internet marketing. The responsibility now falls on site owners to take advantage of the unique possibilities mobile provides for connecting with the growing number of site visitors who will certainly access their website on mobile devices.

The mobile web is no longer a theory - it's a mainstream reality that will influence any organization that aims to make contact with target audiences on the web. Most foremost industry analysts foresee that within a few brief years, mobile phones will surpass PCs as the most common Web access device worldwide.

A mobile friendly website is one of the few marketing media that reaches consumers while they are on the go.

Laptops and PCs are no longer the primary tools for Internet access.

While there are numerous reasons for you to create a mobile friendly website, the primary one is that the use of mobile web is rising. If figures are to be believed, almost 1/5th of Americans access mobile web on a daily basis.

A ClixForBrix mobile friendly website solves these concerns and satisfies your mobile visitors by giving them quick and easy access to the main information about your business. A ClixForBrix site is created with the mobile user in mind. You save customers and clients time and money, and you easily convert them into contented, paying customers.

As a customer, you can make me a raving fan for a couple of dollars a month - without spending thousands on phone apps and without changing your current website.


By adding a mobile friendly/optimized website that loads automatically in any browser when a consumer uses a smartphone to visit your site.

A mobile website enables you to immediately engage visitors with mobile-specific features such as click-to-call and mapping. Furthermore, if you are a local business, mobile is particularly significant as more and more site visitors find your site via location-aware technology that connects users to your website when they are in close geographic proximity.

What more can you ask for?

Your mobile friendly website will give your customers:

- phone number
- fax number
- address
- hours of operation
- map
- directions

and more, depending on the description of your small business. With mobile web quickly taking over, you would absolutely be shutting doors to consumers if you don’t make your site mobile friendly.

A mobile website provides your customers crucial information in a format easy to read on a wireless phone.

For example, instead of hunting through pages and pages of your website, a mobile friendly website will display your business telephone number prominently "above the fold". If your client needs to contact you, all it takes is one click to call no matter which smartphone they use.

No doubt you are starting to see and read more and more about QR Codes lately. QR codes can be shown in print and then scanned with a smartphone, translated into electronic messaging such as a website URL, an email address, or SMS message. QR codes have been used frequently in Japanese and European advertising, and are now generating increasing usage in the US.

With a well-optimized, mobile friendly website, your visitors will probably prefer to visit your website on their phone instead of a PC.

Even on high-end devices with large touch-screens, a mobile friendly website helps your visitors quickly become happy customers with content and a design that is suited to someone in a mobile context. For example, customers can use the unique features of the mobile phone to get in touch with you such as the ‘call us’ feature, where with one touch they call your business, and the ‘find us’ feature, which provides access to a Google map showing your business address and allowing the customer to get directions from their present location to your business.

This is the best time to have a mobile site. You will get noticed quicker.

Here's something I doubt you have ever heard:

Google Indexes Mobile Websites Separately

When I heard this, I was dumbfounded as well. Think about it.

Users on mobile devices increasingly see mobile websites returned in search results, so ClixForBrix mobile friendly sites will boost your business’s visibility to mobile visitors using Google and other search engines.

A mobile website is usually a much less restrictive means to build a mobile presence in comparison to app development.

Although you can add more pages to your mobile friendly website, you want to keep it lean and focused and fast loading on cell phones.

You can insert a link on your primary website to your ClixForBrix mobile friendly website. This will help increase awareness that the mobile site is an option. This functionality is offered as part of the ClixForBrix package, and can be easily implemented by the designer of your website or by us.

As an alternative, a business can provide automatic redirection of mobile users from your business site to your ClixForBrix mobile friendly site, so they are guaranteed a good experience. This more sophisticated capability calls for a designer (or ClixForBrix) to embed the mobile functionality into your business site.

ClixForBrix is a service that makes your local business easily available to mobile users with a fast and easy mobile website. A mobile website can be accessed anywhere, any time. This degree of constant connectivity provides an unprecedented opportunity to connect with target audiences in novel ways, wherever they may be.

Actions speak louder than words - a mobile website instantly helps you stand out and presents a positive, cutting edge brand identity for your business. A mobile-optimized website creates a positive statement before you've said anything.

All of this is hosted on our servers. We build custom, php based, fast loading websites for all Internet enabled phones.

~ Charles Lamm
