Senin, 31 Desember 2012

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings: A person who is a good and a true Christian should realize that truth belongs to his Lord, wherever it is found, gathering and acknowledging it even in pagan literature, but rejecting superstitious vanities and deploring and avoiding those who, ‘though they knew God did not glorify him as God or give thanks but became enfeebled in their own thoughts and plunged their senseless minds into darkness. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the image of corruptible mortals and animals and reptiles.’

Augustine, On Christian Teaching

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings: A truly humble man is sensible of his natural distance from God; of his dependence on Him; of the insufficiency of his own power and wisdom; and that it is by God’s power that he is upheld and provided for, and that he needs God’s wisdom to lead and guide him, and His might to enable him to do what he ought to do for Him.

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)

Stop Changing Your Oil! -

Stop Changing Your Oil! -    

oil change

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Payback! Hundreds of Homeowners Associations Threaten Banks With Foreclosure by Laura Gottesdiener

Florida is one of the states hardest hit by foreclosures, and there are nearly a half-million foreclosed houses now standing vacant and often slowly deteriorating. When a bank forecloses on a house, evicts the family and then repossesses the property, it also assumes responsibility for maintaining the home and yard and paying homeowner or condo association fees. Yet, some of the nation’s largest and richest banks have been unable or unwilling to upkeep their properties – prompting neighbors across Florida to declare enough is enough.

Happening everywhere in Florida.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Setting Up Wordpress

Infographic on how to set up a self-hosted Wordpress blog: Like this infographic? Get more WordPress and hosting tips from Synthesis.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Obsessed by Megalomania: Interview with Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Are taxes nothing but protection money? The state a kind of mafia? Democracy a fraud? Philosopher Hans-Hermann Hoppe is not only considered one of the most prominent pioneering intellectuals of the libertarian movement, but also perhaps the sharpest critic of the Western political system.

And the protection is lame.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Jumat, 28 Desember 2012

Retiring Rep. Ron Paul Becomes First Republican To Rip NRA’s Plan for Armed Guards at Schools, Saying That It Would Create 'Orwellian Surveillance State'

Outgoing Republican Senator Ron Paul from Texas took on the National Rifle Association this week, arguing that the gun lobby's recent proposal to place armed guards at every U.S. school is 'just another kind of violence.'

A sane voice.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Tools of Tyranny: Andrew P. Napolitano

NAPOLITANO: Right. Right. He, of course, jailed newspaper publishers who disagreed with him. But this jailing people who failed to defend him, of course, was absurd. I mean, he was a tyrant and a dictator.

For Lincoln defenders.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Sweden’s War on Cash Runs Into a Wall – and a Heroic Bank by Joseph T. Salerno

The war on cash in Sweden may be stalling. The anti-cash movement has been vigorously promoted by major Swedish commercial banks as well as the Riksbank, the Swedish central bank. In fact, for three of the four major Swedish banks combined, 530 of their 780 office no longer accept or pay out cash. In the case of the Nordea Bank, 200 of its 300 branches are now cashless, and three-quarters of Swedbank’s branches no longer handle cash. As Peter Borsos, a spokesman for Swedbank, freely admits, his bank is working “actively to reduce the [amount] of cash in society.” The reasons for this push toward a cashless society, of course, have nothing to do with pumping up earnings from bank card fees or, more important, freeing fractional-reserve banks from the constraints of bank runs. No, according to Borsos, the reasons are the environment, cost, and security: ”We ourselves emit 700 tons of carbon dioxide by cash transport. It costs society 11 billion per year. And cash helps robberies everywhere.” Hans Jacobson, head of Nordea Bank, argues similarly: ”Our mission is to make people understand the point of cards, cards are more secure than cash.”

Sure it is.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Energy Industry Gets Moral Defense

Energy Industry Gets Moral Defense

in defense of oil

Ron Paul on NRA Safety Plan: Government Security Just Another Kind of Violence

Only one week after 20-year-old Adam Lanza opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed more than two people, NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre called on Friday for the government to pay for armed officers in schools across the country. In response, Rep. Paul said, “Government security is just another kind of violence.

unreal -

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

Joyce Lee Malcolm: Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control -

Joyce Lee Malcolm: Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control -

Random Thoughts | Right Wing News

Random Thoughts | Right Wing News    
Thomas Sewell
Random thoughts on the passing scene:
When I was growing up, an older member of the family used to say, “What you don’t know would make a big book.” Now that I am an older member of the family, I would say to anyone, “What you don’t know would fill more books than the Encyclopedia Britannica.” At least half of our society’s troubles come from know-it-alls, in a world where nobody knows even 10 percent of all.
Some people seem to think that, if life is not fair, then the answer is to turn more of the nation’s resources over to politicians — who will, of course, then spend these resources in ways that increase the politicians’ chances of getting reelected.
The annual outbursts of intolerance toward any display of traditional Christmas scenes, or even daring to call a Christmas tree by its name, show that today’s liberals are by no means liberal. Behind the mist of their lofty words, the totalitarian mindset shows through.
If you don’t want to have a gun in your home or in your school, that’s your choice. But don’t be such a damn fool as to advertise to the whole world that you are in “a gun-free environment” where you are a helpless target for any homicidal fiend who is armed. Is it worth a human life to be a politically correct moral exhibitionist?
The more I study the history of intellectuals, the more they seem like a wrecking crew, dismantling civilization bit by bit — replacing what works with what sounds good.
Some people are wondering what takes so long for the negotiations about the “fiscal cliff.” Maybe both sides are waiting for supplies. Democrats may be waiting for more cans to kick down the road. Republicans may be waiting for more white flags to hold up in surrender.
If I were rich, I would have a plaque made up, and sent to every judge in America, bearing a statement made by Adam Smith more than two and a half centuries ago: “Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.”
If someone wrote a novel about a man who was raised from childhood to resent the successful and despise the basic values of America — and who then went on to become President of the United States — that novel would be considered too unbelievable, even for a work of fiction. Yet that is what has happened in real life.
Many people say, “War should be a last resort.” Of course it should be a last resort. So should heart surgery, divorce and many other things. But that does not mean that we should just continue to hope against hope indefinitely that things will work out, somehow, until catastrophe suddenly overtakes us.
Everybody is talking about how we are going to pay for the huge national debt, but nobody seems to be talking about the runaway spending which created that record-breaking debt. In other words, the big spenders get political benefits from handing out goodies, while those who resist giving them more money to spend will be blamed for sending the country off the “fiscal cliff.”
When Barack Obama refused to agree to a requested meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — the leader of a country publicly and repeatedly threatened with annihilation by Iran’s leaders, as the Iranians move toward creating nuclear bombs — I thought of a line from the old movie classic “Citizen Kane”: “Charlie wasn’t cruel. He just did cruel things.”
There must be something liberating about ignorance. Back when most members of Congress had served in the military, there was a reluctance of politicians to try to tell military leaders how to run the military services. But, now that few members of Congress have ever served in the military, they are ready to impose all sorts of fashionable notions on the military.
After watching a documentary about the tragic story of Jonestown, I was struck by the utterly unthinking way that so many people put themselves completely at the mercy of a glib and warped man, who led them to degradation and destruction. And I could not help thinking of the parallel with the way we put a glib and warped man in the White House.
There are people calling for the banning of assault weapons who could not define an “assault weapon” if their life depended on it. Yet the ignorant expect others to take them seriously.

Holland vs the Netherlands - YouTube

Holland vs the Netherlands - YouTube - Commodity Brokerage - Commodity Brokerage: Isaiah 3:1-13

For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem, and from Juda the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of bread, and the whole strength of water.

The strong man, and the man of war, the judge, and the prophet, and the cunning man, and the ancient.

The captain over fifty, and the honourable in countenance, and the counsellor, and the architect, and the skillful in eloquent speech.


The Drunken Scotsman lyrics - Traditional Drinking Song | All The Lyrics

The Drunken Scotsman lyrics - Traditional Drinking Song | All The Lyrics

Selasa, 25 Desember 2012

How Diet and Supplements Can Help Prevent Migraines by Joseph Mercola

In a 1979 study published in the Lancet,4 60 migraineurs with food antigen immunoreactivity who were put on an elimination diet experienced profound relief. According to the author:

"The commonest foods causing reactions were wheat (78 percent), orange (65 percent), eggs (45 percent), tea and coffee (40 percent each), chocolate and milk (37 percent) each), beef (35 percent), and corn, cane sugar, and yeast (33 percent each).

When an average of 10 common foods were avoided there was a dramatic fall in the number of headaches per month, 85 percent of patients becoming headache-free. The 25 percent of patients with hypertension became normotensive. Chemicals in the home environment can make this testing difficult for outpatients. Both immunological and non-immunological mechanisms may play a part in the pathogenesis of migraine caused by food intolerance."

I no longer get migraines, but I am not giving up coffee.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Government Security Is Just Another Kind of Violence by Ron Paul

Our freedoms as Americans preceded gun control laws, the TSA, or the Department of Homeland Security. Freedom is defined by the ability of citizens to live without government interference, not by safety. It is easy to clamor for government security when terrible things happen; but liberty is given true meaning when we support it without exception, and we will be safer for it.

crazy people and serial killers also existed before the security state -

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Government Security Is Just Another Kind of Violence by Ron Paul

While I certainly agree that more guns equals less crime and that private gun ownership prevents many shootings, I don’t agree that conservatives and libertarians should view government legislation, especially at the federal level, as the solution to violence. Real change can happen only when we commit ourselves to rebuilding civil society in America, meaning a society based on family, religion, civic and social institutions, and peaceful cooperation through markets. We cannot reverse decades of moral and intellectual decline by snapping our fingers and passing laws.

Manners still count.

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012

How do I turn on my Bluetooth? HP Pavilion dv7 - HP Support Forum - 1467363

How do I turn on my Bluetooth? HP Pavilion dv7 - HP Support Forum - 1467363

Sense of Events: An Advent Sermon After Sandy Hook

Sense of Events: An Advent Sermon After Sandy Hook

Sense of Events: Gun laws probably to be strengthened

Sense of Events: Gun laws probably to be strengthened

Assault rifles and such

Sense of Events: Why Dec. 25?

Sense of Events: Why Dec. 25? birth of christ

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical presents Boned Jello

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical presents Boned Jello: An elderly Italian man who lived on the outskirts of Rimini, Italy
went to the local church for confession.

When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional, the man said:
"Father, during World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from our
neighborhood knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her
from the Nazis. So I hid her in my attic."

The priest replied: "That was a wonderful thing you did, and you have
no need to confess that."

"There is more to tell, Father. She started to repay me with sexual
favours. This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice on

The priest said, "That was a long time ago and by doing what you did,
you placed the two of you in great danger, but two people under those circumstances can easily succumb to the weakness of the flesh. However,
if you are truly sorry for your actions, you are indeed forgiven."

"Thank you, Father. That's a great load off my mind. I do have one more question."

"And what is that?" asked the priest.

"Should I tell her the war is over?''

The Anarchist Soccer Mom: Thinking the Unthinkable

The Anarchist Soccer Mom: Thinking the Unthinkable

Jew Without a Gun

Jew Without a Gun

gun control

Kamis, 20 Desember 2012

Copyblogger on 2013

Source: via Charles on Pinterest 2013: The Year of the Online Writer"So, the rest of the business world might start to realize just how much great writers are worth. Well, a lot of writers have already realized it, and have clued in to the fact that they don’t need

The Zen of Why Publishers Hate Writers -

Posted via email from iPT Perpetual Traveler

Rabu, 05 Desember 2012

On Healing Wings

On Healing Wings: To find someone who will love you through success and failure is to discover how little life has to do with either.

Robert Brault

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012


Adamstanley: Because the earth is round, and I cannot stop time from moving, and the seasons from violently devouring each other over and over again, unable to prevent the sun from rising, or setting, I will never be able see that place where Emma now resides. I will never be able to see as far as I want to see.

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

AMERICAN DIGEST Essays, News, Notes, and Quotes

AMERICAN DIGEST Essays, News, Notes, and Quotes: Robinson Jeffers' Time of Disturbance: 1951

Original at January 1951 : Poetry Magazine