Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

My Friendly Fights with Milton Friedman - Gold Charts 2011,2012 Gold Charts,Gold Charts In 2012

My Friendly Fights with Milton Friedman - Gold Charts 2011,2012 Gold Charts,Gold Charts In 2012

Quit Your Job

Quit Your Job ASAP - Quit Before Your Company Fails -

Insane Journal

free blog host -

My Favorite Way to Start the Day

To Make a Coffee

Coffee. Protein shake. Dog walk. Crappy local newspaper.

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My Favorite Cookie

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies, of course.

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Quit Your Job ASAP - Quit Before Your Company Fails

Quit your job, and you face pressures on fiscal, emotional, and family levels. You are threatening the wellbeing and stability of other people. Do not quit your job, and you break down a little inside every single minute of the day.

The Challenge - 51 Reasons to Quit Your Job

1. The Pay Sucks

In a slow economy, corporations are hiring - at wages less than before 9/11. Unions are being busted and desperate people will do what they have to do to feed their families.

2. Evil Boss

Some bosses go beyond incompetent boobs to actual evil. Run, don't walk. Run for your life. Even if you are paid well, you did not sign on for constant abuse.

3. Evil Corporation

When companies ruin communities and the Earth when chasing profits that end up in New York or Los Angeles, it could be a sign of evil. Quit your job and be part of the solution and not the problem.

4. Evil Coworkers

At times, through no flaw of your own, you just bring out Biblical evil in other people. Don't tolerate it.

5. Idiot Coworkers

With older, overqualified workers taking jobs they never thought they would have to resort to, the risk of working with short bus refugees grows daily.

6. Unfriendly Environment

Few companies pamper their employees like Google or Amazon. Most treat their workers like chattel. Dump it.

7. Inadequate Tools to Do the Job

One sign of a company in trouble is a lack of tools and supplies to do your job. Find another.

8. Unchallenging Work

A fine line exists between mastering your job and becoming too "comfortable" or complacent. In any job, there should be a certain amount of work that pushes you to new levels. So if you're bored to tears, quit your job, and move on, instead of sulking or becoming bitter.

9. Micromanaging

Companies compete for talent then micromanage the innovation out of them. Look elsewhere.

10. No Room for Advancement

Family business. Company dying. Outsourcing overseas. There could be hundreds of reasons for no advancement in a company.

11. Major Change in Your Life

Your life situation has changed in a big way. Perhaps you have gotten married or had a baby, and the salary no longer meets your needs. Quit your job and move on to better opportunities to support your family.

12. Company Looks Financially Vulnerable

If you're hearing reports of bankruptcy or impending layoffs, it may be time to check out what other options are available.

13. Better Opportunity Elsewhere

Loyalty was a reality years ago when opportunities abounded and companies were loyal to their employees. Ford employees did not quit their jobs to work for GM.

14. Bad Workplace Romance

Women often fall into this trap. If an office romance has turned sour, whether with a boss or coworker, do you really want to see that guy's ugly mug every day.

15. Hate Going to Work

When every minute of your commute brings out anxiety, quit your job.

16. High When You Exit Work

When leaving work puts the first smile on you face for the day, it may be time to quit your job.

17. Don't Need the Money That Badly

If you don't need the money, find a new job or start your own Internet business. Life is too short to trade time for money you don't need.

18. Depression

Depresson is complicated, but job stress can be a big contributor.

19. Dream About Work Problems

If work problems seem into your dream time, sever the cord. Your dreams are trying to tell you something.

20. Relationship With Immediate Boss Damaged Beyond Repair (PONR)

If your bad relationship with your supervisor has reached the point of no return, quit your job.

21. Dislike Your Corporate Culture

The culture must match your needs, whether for money or recognition or free vacations.

22. Just Don't Enjoy Your Work

When the fun stops - for whatever reason - find a new employer.

23. Company Not Totally Evil, But Ethically Challenged

Companies that are ethically challenged can turn evil in difficult time. Beware.

24. Your Own Bad Behavior at Work

You may have been the evil coworker at your current company. Be honest.

25. Cost of Starting Your Own Business Near Zero

In the Internet age, you can start an affiliate marketing business online with absolutely no investment.

26. Burned Bridges

If your behavior has been so bad or your workplace so hostile you have burned your bridges, no need trying to repair what cannot be fixed. Quit your job with grace. No badmouthing. Just quit.

27. Stress Levels Are Off the Charts

Stress kills. Crush your job before it kills you.

28. Need Additional Responsibility

You've explored current and potential options, and they are limited or non-existant. It's time to move on.

29. Just Plain Hate Your Job

Hating your job and hating going to work are different yet related. Do you really need 50 other reasons?

30. Difficult Workplace

Co-workers, supervisors, and a negative office environment can make your job unbearable. In fact, they can make your workplace a place where you simply don't want to be. Once you have exhausted every option, you may need to make a decision to quit your job.

31. Inconvenient Schedule

Companies use employees as pawns. They may change your schedule frequently to satisfy “the needs of the business” or send you to a remote location for weeks on end.

32. Relocation

Obviously, if you need to move, your company may not be in the new location. Even if it is, you may choose to sever your relationship anyway.

33. Change Career

If the job does not match your career plans, find one that does.

34. Gnawing Gut Feeling

Sometimes you know in your gut something is wrong. It might be the job, the boss, or just your place in the company. Listen to your gut.

35. Not Doing What You Love

Passion is difficult to fake. You are either doing what you love or you are not, there is no middle ground. If you won the lottery, what kind of work would you do for free?

36. Physically Dangerous Job

Let someone else take the physical risks. Use your brain and computer to make a living.

37. Health Issues

It may not be your company’s fault, but if your health is being negatively impacted by your job, quit your job and save your health.

38. Hostile Workplace

No man or woman should tolerate an openly hostile work environment. Not even for a day.

39. Promises When Hired Not Fulfilled

When interviewed and hired, recruiters always paid a rosy picture. When the actual job does not live up to even a minimal level of expectations based on corporate propaganda, that is reason enough to move on. The covenant has been broken.

40. No Recognition

Some crave recognition. If you are one of these employees and you are not getting what you need, it's time to change jobs.

41. Authority v. Blame

Employees are always fodder for the corporate machine. When things go right, CEOs and managers glow in the credit. When things go wrong, it’s a lazy, indolent workforce.

42. Long Commutes

As gas prices rise, the long commutes are harder and harder to finance. When you add your commuting time to your hours on the job, you may find your salary after taxes to be much less than you anticipated.

43. No Compensation for Ideas That Help the Company

The old company suggestion box may not hang on the wall any longer, but smart companies use chat or team meetings to discover changes that will enhance the bottom line. Notice I did not say changes that enhance the employee experience.

44. Corporate Politics

Where office politics should guide you to quit your job is if it interferes with your ability to do your job, or if you are not allowed to play the game.

45. No Flexibility

Many jobs - security, call centers, factories - are time driven. Human thought and ingenuinity not needed.

46. Can't Feel the Love

People are being asked to do more and more for crappy pay. If not, ten unemployed men and women are lining up to replace you.

47. No Security

Safety does not exist outside of the individual. Corporations will not provide it. Safety such as it exists, comes from knowledge and skill and a willingness to do whatever it takes to protect yourself and your family.

48. No Regrets

If you were to quit your job today, would you have any regrets about tasks undone or promises unmet? If not, move on.

49. Eliminate Stuff

By cutting down or eliminating houses, cars, pools, wardrobes, and other unnecessary expenses, you may be able to eliminate the need for a job altogether. I view a house as an anchor, not security.

50. You, Inc. - Do It Better

If you are going to work like a dog, you might as well be as free as an eagle and work for yourself. Except for manufacturing, most business can be down by an individual with outsourcing of tasks others can do better.

51. Sovereign Individual

Only since the industrial revolution has the notion of a job taken hold. Systems break work down into smaller and smaller mind-numbing units.

To crush your job, you need to start with the correct mind-set and conclude with a straightforward system to get you started on the road to an e-commerce income that will set you free.

~ Charles Lamm
Burn Down the Freaking Mission -

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

todaze Lympian dots the I – Knowledge Is Power

todaze Lympian dots the I – Knowledge Is Power: "I am very proud of the dignity our current president has shown concerning the death of Osama bin Laden. He could have celebrated by putting on a flight suit, getting in a Navy jet and having the TV camera film him landing on an aircraft carrier then standing in front of a banner saying something like, “Mission Accomplished.”

But he did not do that.

This president doesn’t need images to tell of his leadership. His leadership is on full display with the progress being made in ending our wars, rebuilding our broken economy, health insurance overhaul, and mending international relationships damaged over the last decade.

I am proud to have a president that fed the hungry every holiday, with his family at his side, sharing the chore. I admire him going to Ground Zero to lay a wreath without comment, fanfare, or political benefits.

I am proud of this leadership that took on the health needs of uninsured American citizens, over the needs of capital, interested in profit.

It is gratifying to see a more humble president, less hubris in foreign policy, more compassion for the less fortunate, and a country doing the right thing."

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NST Neurostructural Integration Technique DVD | NST Therapy massage therapy

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Why Is Soros Spending Over $48 Million Funding Media Organizations? -

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Warrants Let Agents Enter Homes Without Owner Knowing - Albuquerque News Story - KOAT Albuquerque

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Indo-Caribbean Heritage - Home

Indo-Caribbean Heritage - Home

Neanderpundit � I have always had

Neanderpundit � I have always had

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The Runaway Doctor | Society | Vanity Fair

The Runaway Doctor | Society | Vanity Fair

Mark Weinberger sinus surgeon scam

jigsy points of hype

Thousands of what I label free points of hype can be located in three broad areas on the web - search engines, content, and profiles. Working marketers currently possess exceptional free advertising and branding possibilities.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

My Idea of Perfect Weather

Lightening over Wrightsville

In Florida, often. I do also love lightening storms.

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Unashamed Points of Hype - Promotion, Profiles, SEO, Backlinks

Points of Hype are those particular sites that allow free business and social profiles, permit publishing of articles and other content with a bio box linking to your blog, or return results in general or niche search engines.

Free points of hype, or free places to showcase your online or bricks and mortar business, total in the thousands. The secret is to know which ones to exploit and which ones to ignore.

You can start an internet business with absolutely no cash expense. You may not want to go that bare, but you could. Bum marketing is one case in point.

Marketers are often in love with with the most recent killer app or marketing technique. Marketing and advertising using social media may look attractive but makes no sense if you overlook business profiles and traditional SEO.

Search Engines:

Organic SEO means Google. If you master getting your site listed in the top page of natural results, the rest can wait and will most likely take care of themselves.

Search engines and directories come in various flavors:

- major players (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask)
- blog search engines
- RSS search engines
- web directories
- specialty search engines (real estate, news, etc.)

Organic search results - the holy grail of making the first page of Googles SERPs - depends on choosing the right niche keyword phrases to anchor in unique content posted on your blog, website, or thousands of other locations on the web.


Unique, valuable content is the coin of the realm for search engines. Bots continuously scour the web indexing everything and ranking it for relevancy on the fly as web searchers enter a keyword to search.

Content can be posted online in:

- your own hosted website or blogs
- article directories
- free blog hosts
- community websites
- free websites
- free blog space in some social media sites

When search engines see duplicate content on and off your website, it has difficulty knowing which page to display as the primary. Article spinners avoid this issue by generating hundreds or thousands of unique pages to promote.

A Google slap for duplicate content is unusual, unless the exact same content shows up numerous times on the same site. I once had an article picked up and republished on 800+ websites. They all showed up in Google until the results were narrowed down to just the most important sites.

Some argue that you ought to use techniques like bum marketing to churn out up to 50 articles a day. I prefer to write one article, create 50+ titles, heavily spin the article, and generate thousands of unique articles for the blogs and article directories.

Each unique article can be posted on free blogs and community websites or submitted to article directories producing one way backlinks to your top level domains.

The problem with spinners is automation, laziness, and PLR (private label rights).

Automatic spinners produce unnatural articles with unnatural English and should be avoided. A good, simple manual spinner like Magic Article Rewriter will create unique content for each site you post to - without the perplexing terms and grammar. You have total control.

Free PLR articles have been hashed out on the Internet so many times by lazy marketers that the search engines give them no value, or as I like to say, they have no Google juice.

PLR articles are of limited use. That's why you can get tens of thousands free. You get what you pay for. The only value I see is for minimal research and title suggestions.


The value of social media comes from the membership features, in particular the ability to create a personal or business profile. You are able to brand your business and create authority one way backlinks to your website.


- business listings (Google Places, Localeze)
- Internet yellow pages (MagicYellow, Yellowbook)
- web business profiles (LinkedIN, BusinessCard2)
- article directories (Ezinearticles, Goarticles)
- social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace)
- social bookmarking sites (Digg, Diigo)
- microblogging sites (Twitter, Plurk)
- free blog hosts (Blogger, Wordpress)
- community websites (Squidoo, Hubpages)

Google loves one way backlinks from authority, high ranking websites. You cannot get to the top of the organic SERPs without them.

Working in concert, you are able to promote your business to the first page of Google.

For a free ebook listing 3x Points of Hype in 18 online media categories, visit ClixForBrix -

For those who know the merit of free marketing points of hype, subscribe to Points of Hype Pro to remain up to date on thousands of free websites to showcase your company -

~ Charles Lamm

When I'm Most Productive

Good morning!

Before 8 am, when I have the house to myself.

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Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Plain Points of Hype - Social Media Marketing the Correct Way

For both local businesses and Internet marketers, social media is a godsend and a curse.  Thousands of what I call free points of hype can be found in three broad areas online - search engines, content, and profiles.   Active marketers currently have unparalleled  free publicity and branding possibilities.


Never has the cost of entry into the business world been so inexpensive - an additional blessing and curse.  You can get started marketing your own products or services, or those of other companies by means of affiliate programs, instantly.  The bad news is so can everybody else.


Marketers are often captivated with the latest killer app or marketing technique.  Marketing and advertising via social media might look enticing but makes no sense if you ignore business listings and traditional SEO.


Search Engines:


Organic SEO means Google.  If you master getting your website ranked in the first page of natural results, the rest can wait and will probably take care of themselves.


Search engines and web directories come in various flavors:


- elephants (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask)

- blog search engines

- RSS search engines

- web directories

- specialty search engines (real estate, news, etc.)


Being ranked by Google on the first page of the organic search results depends on superior content, authority backlinks, and targeted keyword phrases in the anchor text of those backlinks.





Unique, valuable content is the coin of the realm for search engines.  Bots continuously scour the web indexing everything and ranking it for relevancy on the fly as web searchers enter a keyword to search.


Content can be posted online in:


- self-hosted website or blogs

- article directories

- free blog hosts

- community websites

- free websites

- free blog space in some social media sites


When search engines see duplicate content on and off your website, it has difficulty knowing which page to display as the original.  Spinners escape this issue by producing hundreds or thousands of unique pages to promote.


A Google slap for duplicate content is unusual, except when the exact identical content shows up multiple times on the same website.  I once had an article picked up and republished on 800+ sites.  They all showed up in Google until the results were narrowed down to only the most important sites.


Some claim that you should use methods like bum marketing to churn out up to 50 articles a day.  I prefer to write one article, create 50+ titles, heavily spin the article, and build thousands of unique articles for the blogs and article directories.


Each unique article can be posted on free blogs and community websites or submitted to article directories generating one way backlinks to your top level domains.


A good manual spinner and a good writer eliminate all duplicate content issues.


A good manual spinner like Magic Article Rewriter is fine, meaning you generate all the sentence and word substitutions.  The language is all yours.  Automatic rewriters can create stilted, unnatural text - and by and large do.


Free PLR articles have been hashed out on the Internet so many times by lazy marketers that the search engines give them no worth, or as I like to say, they have no Google juice.


The only real use for PLR is ideas.  If you see something you like, redraft the ideas into your own words.





Social media and business listings are where profiles come into play.  Nearly all social media sites require you to register on the site and create a profile previous to using.




- business listings (Google Places, Localeze)

- Internet yellow pages (MagicYellow, Yellowbook)

- e-commerce business profiles (LinkedIN, BusinessCard2)

- article directories (Ezinearticles, Goarticles)

- social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace)

- social bookmarking sites (Digg, Diigo)

- microblogging sites (Twitter, Plurk)

- free blog hosts (Blogger, Wordpress)

- community websites (Squidoo, Hubpages)


Google loves one way backlinks from authority, high ranking websites.  You cannot get to the top of the organic SERPs without them.


Working together, you can promote your business to the first page of Google.


For a free ebook listing 3x Points of Hype in 18 online media categories, visit ClixForBrix -


For those who recognize the worth of free marketing and advertising points of hype, subscribe to Points of Hype Pro to keep up to date on thousands of free places to market your company - 


~ Charles Lamm   

Posted via email from Points of Hype