Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Mob Robbers and Rampant Looting: Is This the Future of America?

another reason I believe retail will decline - merchants will ship more directly to end users

John Perkins on His Best-Selling Book 'Confessions of an Economic Hit Man' and the Unsustainability of Modern Capitalism by Anthony Wile

Met him once on a book tour. Smart guy we would do well to listen to.

A Government Shutdown Imperils the Power of Congress by Paul Craig Roberts

Points of Hype » Blog Archive » Quick Copywriting – Jay Abraham

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Preventing Memory Loss » Blog Archive » Concerns About Short Term Memory Loss

Living Free Questions About Financial Freedom | Live Free

Points of Hype » Blog Archive » Hype About Software Social Bookmarking

What Friends of Freedom Can Learn from the Socialists — To Win Freedom! by Richard M. Ebeling | The Freedom School

ClixForBrix » Post Topic » Your Questions About Seo Search Engine Optimization

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

The war against pain clinics

London company sells breast-milk ice cream -

wrong on so many levels

A Bad Moon on the Rise. . . by Eric Peters

It’s Official: You Must Report Offshore Insurance, Annuity, and Gold Accounts by Mark Nestmann

War Über Alles by Paul Craig Roberts

Your Questions About Free Online Sims Dating Games » Free World Dating Sites

How WHTI Affects You (Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative)

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Coral Calcium Facts and Benefits – Coral Calcium

video56188 – Coral Calcium

Wisconsin Union Stalemate

Amplify’d from

The 14 Democrats
in the legislature have adopted a unique way to keep the governor's
proposed union-busting legislation from getting passed. They have
refused to show up. The legislature lacks a quorum by one vote.
So, there can be no new legislation dealing with money. The Democrats
supposedly are all in hiding in Illinois. They receive salaries
for this. Call it a paid vacation.

I hope the
idea spreads. I would prefer to pay legislators to flee the state
rather than pass laws. I would even support expense accounts for
AWOL legislators.


Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

affiliate elite -

Why Affiliate Marketing - Points of Hype

another free blog host

Why Affiliate Marketing

One of the essential tenants of Burn Down the Freaking Mission is to have a source of revenue not dependent on any one outside corporation, company, LLC, authority, or any other person other than a sovereign individual.
Affiliate marketing can provide a form of financial insurance against a collapsing economy or hyperinflation, whichever comes first.  Modern, urban survival may well depend on such skills. 

Some Reasons:
No Investment Required
1. Start a business with only a computer and Internet access.
2. No cash required.  Only time.
3. No employees necessary.  Automate and outsource to grow your business.
4. No need for a commercial office.
5. No utilities - electric, phone, gas.
6. No accounting or bookkeeping necessary for products sold, only your personal profits.
7. Vendor processes orders and delivers products to your customers.
8. Customer service is handled by the merchant, not affiliate.
9. If you have no money whatsoever, you can still run your business online in the cloud.
10. Your business can be run from any Internet connected computer.
Instant Grits
1. Start earning immediately.
2. Signup with the largest affiliate networks like Clickbank and CJ takes less than 5 minutes.
3. No selling - just reviews and “pre-selling”.
4. No licenses or permission required from any government.
1. Affiliate marketing is portable.  
2. Computer and Internet access is all that is needed to run your affiliate marketing business.
3. If the business or political climate in your hometown or native country becomes unsettled, you can take your business with you.4. Live in the city of your choice, not your employer's force. 

1. Sell worldwide, 24/7.
2. Sell to customers anywhere, no matter where you live.
3. Sell to thousands as easily as you can sell to one.
1. People will always need to purchase food, clothing, energy, tools, and hundreds of other items.  
2. Offer items with an inelastic demand - ones that people will always buy regardless of the price or the economy.
3. As times get more difficult, people will turn to the Internet for the best products at the best prices.
Changing Retail
1. Consumers once relied on retailers and sales professionals for product information and education.  Now, via social media, they rely on each other.
2. New manufacturers will  bypass traditional ones by selling many products directly to consumers.
3. For many products, retailers are an expensive, unnecessary cost.
The Sovereign Individual
1. Market your expertise.  You can become the worldwide expert in whatever field you choose.  Earn by recommending products to others.
2. Thousand of companies with millions of products are available to promote.  Companies will need top affiliates more than you need any one company.
3. While the best products to sell are those that cannot be easily copied or substituted, the ease and no cost entry into affiliate marketing is challenging.  You overcome this by becoming the expert in your niche and connecting with customers via social media.
4. Programs exist in most developed countries.  Develop sources of income in other countries.
5. Residual income is possible when marketing recurring affiliate programs.  You can write articles once that link to affiliate products, and earn income for years without constant labor on your part.  
6. Turn your life into a virtual plantation.  Take control of the management and outsource the grunt work.
7. Build your relationships with affiliate merchants and customers so that your personal, intellectual, and emotional needs are met via your work.
8. As your affiliate marketing business operates automatically 24/7, you now have free time to pursue real interests, like wine, women, and song.
To find freedom in an unfree world, you have to make changes before fate forces you to.

Posted via email from Points of Hype

Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

pointsofhype - Niche Affiliate Marketing

Aromatherapy - Essential Oils in your Air

Aromatherapy - Essential Oils in your Air

Olfactory Life Hacks: Scents That Increase Brain Power

Olfactory Life Hacks: Scents That Increase Brain Power: "Here’s a breakdown of some of the most popular scents, along with their benefits:

Energizing/Invigorating: Orange, Rosemary, Lemon.

Stress Relief: Jasmine, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage.

Sleep Aids: Lavender, Chamomile, Sandalwood, Vetiver.

Mood Elevators: Mint, Basil Oil, Bergamot."

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi Users -

New Hacking Tools Pose Bigger Threats to Wi-Fi Users - "Popular V.P.N. providers include VyperVPN, HotSpotVPN and LogMeIn Hamachi. Some are free; others are as much as $18 a month, depending on how much data is encrypted. Free versions tend to encrypt only Web activity and not e-mail exchanges."

A Dash of Insight: Everything You Need to Know about Inflation

A Dash of Insight: Everything You Need to Know about Inflation: "Understanding inflation is now the single biggest challenge for investors. There is a lot at stake."

The woman who peed on her husband. And other stories about stress. Altucher Confidential

The woman who peed on her husband. And other stories about stress. Altucher Confidential

Here’s what you do when you are experiencing stress. You must follow this advice. Or die:

* Pray. In 2003, if I was nervous about a trade I’d go at about 7 in the morning to the church across the street from where I lived. I’m Jewish and I’ve spent time meditating, but I had never prayed. But in 2003 I prayed. When you pray the key is to lean down, because then your body knows you are being humble. And then be thankful for what you have. Think of all the things you are grateful for. Just do this for five minutes. Its the easiest meditation. Then ask for anything you want.
* Write. This is not joke. if you don’t write every day your idea muscle atrophies very quickly. And it takes months to rebuild. Here is what I do: I go to I buy 100 waiter paids for $10. 10 cents a pad. I then fill 3 pages of ideas a day. At least. This stretches your mind. Make lists of ideas. Lists of new potential clients. Lists of emails you have to send. List of articles you want to write. Businesses you want to start (with specifics how to start it), lists of reasons etcetc

What Is Wrong With The U.S. Economy? Here Are 10 Economic Charts That Will Blow Your Mind

What Is Wrong With The U.S. Economy? Here Are 10 Economic Charts That Will Blow Your Mind

Alarm, Inflation disaster

The Dirty Little Secret Hidden in Some Health Foods - Soy Products

US Education: Show Us the Money! by Bill Walker

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

YouTube - billybobjr705's Channel

YouTube - billybobjr705's Channel


YouTube - Ex-Gay Obama Had Homosexual Affair With Pastor

YouTube - Ex-Gay Obama Had Homosexual Affair With Pastor

YouTube - Obama: Gay Sex, Lies, Murder and Blackmail - Wayne Madsen Reports

YouTube - Obama: Gay Sex, Lies, Murder and Blackmail - Wayne Madsen Reports

Affiliate Marketing System - Pointsofhype Blog


Charles Lamm's Blog at BIGADDA >> Niche Affiliate Marketing

Points of Hype

The Shame of Being an American by Paul Craig Roberts

Tea Party Crashes: The Most Unpatriotic Act by Susan Lindauer

The Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting | Mark's Daily Apple

If you are a type II diabetic using diet and exercise to control blood glucose level, fasting can knock your sugar down quickly.

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Why Affiliate Marketing | Burn Down the Freaking Mission

survivalist affiliate marketing

Why Affiliate Marketing | Burn Down the Freaking Mission

'Kill Switch' Internet bill alarms privacy experts -

Yellow Pages battles Google in local search -

Turn Smartphones Into Top Secret Spy Tools by Bill Rounds

Has There Been an Egyptian Revolution? by Paul Craig Roberts

Egypt Welcomes the New Boss by Gerald Celente

ron paul's agenda

Amplify’d from

In short, Ron
Paul's agenda is far too specific for the conservative mainstream
to tolerate. He wants to do what the conservative mainstream says
it wants to do: cut the Federal budget, stop the expansion of the
money supply, stop price inflation, and return to a free-market
economy. The conservative mainstream does not really want to do
any of these things, and never has. It has always been in favor
of expanding the military budget, expanding Federal power outside
the borders of the United States, running the world as the world's
policeman, and increasing the money supply on a reasonable basis
in order to keep American prosperity rolling. All of this is big
government conservatism. All of this has been basic to the conservative
movement since 1950.


Setting the Government's Agenda by Gary North

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Africa it could Break at any Time

Africa it could Break at any Time: "'Mr. Fennyman, allow me to explain about the theatre business. The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles on the road to imminent disaster.'
'So what do we do?'
'Nothing. Strangely enough, it all turns out well.'
'I don't know. It's a mystery.'
--- Quote from the Movie 'Shakespeare in Love"

The Importance of Play, Long Walks and Outdoor Workouts, or Why the Optional Stuff Isn’t Actually Optional by Mark Sisson

The Importance of Play, Long Walks and Outdoor Workouts, or Why the Optional Stuff Isn’t Actually Optional by Mark Sisson

Stressed Out? – Could it be 'B' Vitamin Deficiency? by Margaret Durst

Revolution in Egypt and Where to Be When Black Swans Appear by Bill Bonner

American History’s Forbidden Truths by Anthony Gregory

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Hemp – The Perfect Brain Health Food? | BrainReady |

Coffee for Brain Health - who knew

Amplify’d from

So where's the controversy and confusion? The problem comes in when coffee is combined with other unhealthy things, as is so commonly done: triple-carmel-double-whip-chocolate-creme-mocha-blast-freeze drinks, weak over-extracted brewed cheap poor quality coffee, coffee loaded up with artificial cream and sweeteners, you know the drill. Compare such carb, chemical and fat-laden concoctions with, say, a high-quality organic coffee freshly ground into an Espresso-grade powder and served as a couple shots of fresh espresso, straight? No comparison. This should be obvious, but surprisingly, many or even most people still don't get it.


Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

YouTube - Milton Friedman - The Free Lunch Myth

YouTube - Milton Friedman - The Free Lunch Myth

Mexico Seizes $200,000 in Gold Coins at Airport Security Checkpoint by Mark Nestmann

Pointsofhype - aNobii

Charles Lamm - Financial Planner - Coral Springs, FL

AOL Lifestream : pointsofhype777

getting better -

Adocu - Charles Lamm's Nanoblog

ultimate microblogging - 1 word -

| Burn Down the Freaking Mission

new static home page

chazradical: About Us

Cyntol - Supplement Facts

Gmail - What the Real Estate Bust Has to Do with Real Wealth -

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Corn, beans, spent brass, an empty page and a deadline (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011: MOVIE REVIEW: THE KING'S SPEECH...

Corn, beans, spent brass, an empty page and a deadline (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011: MOVIE REVIEW: THE KING'S SPEECH...

YouTube - Super Climber.m4v

YouTube - Super Climber.m4v

USD OMG by Richard Russell

Mr. Natural Rights by Ronald Hamowy

Death by Medicine and Medical Errors: Here's How to Protect Yourself

Death by Medicine and Medical Errors: Here's How to Protect Yourself

Death by Medicine and Medical Errors: Here's How to Protect Yourself

Death by Medicine and Medical Errors: Here's How to Protect Yourself

The Arab revolution and Western decline - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

The Arab revolution and Western decline - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Doug Casey on Revolution in Egypt and Beyond

Information Costs and Hedonics by Gary North

Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Air fares on the upswing as jet fuel costs increase -

only the beginning

ChazRadical » Hyperlink Spam!

Preventing Memory Loss » About


Preventing Memory Loss

brain health

Forget Hope by Richard Russell

Housing Armageddon: 12 Facts Which Show That We Are in the Midst of the Worst Housing Collapse in U.S. History

you're foolish if you think the worst is over -

The Drug War’s Dubious Foundations by Jacob H. Huebert

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Edit Page ‹ Burn Down the Freaking Mission — WordPress

more focused than ever

10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt About Preparing for Economic and Societal Collapse by Mac Slavo

California Reverse Mortgages | Burn Down the Freaking Mission

California Reverse Mortgages | Burn Down the Freaking Mission

Local Internet Marketing Services» Advanced eShop Shopping Cart

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Is This Man a Faith Healer?, Pt. 1 | The Dr. Oz Show

Is This Man a Faith Healer?, Pt. 1 | The Dr. Oz Show

Local Internet Marketing Services» About

Local Internet Marketing Services» Can Potential consumers Locate Your Local Business Via the Internet

search engine marketing firms: Local Internet Marketing Services - Making Your Local Business Findable

search engine marketing firms: Contact Us

97 “Bonus” Changes After Six Months of Living a Primal Lifestyle | Mark's Daily Apple

how many do you share?