Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


Learn how natural vitamins can help short-term and long-term memory in adults.

Unintended Plug

Voluntary Servitude

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Etienne de
la Boétie (namesake for our conference this weekend) observed the
same thing in the 1500s, and he wrote about it in his Discourse
on Voluntary Servitude
. He points out that the governing
system rests and rises only on the consent of otherwise free people.
The slave-citizens voluntarily serve the state, and willingly consent
to the order, and the orders of, the state. Of course, part of the
reason we give our consent is that we fear being jailed, hung, shot,
beheaded, losing our property, our families, or our physical freedom
at the hand of an angry or disappointed state. In some ways, this
fear of rejection and isolation, is logical. We consciously or subconsciously
decide to trade our consent for continued life as we know it.


Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Volume II: Philadelphia, 1726 - 1757 -- Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion

The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Volume II: Philadelphia, 1726 - 1757 -- Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion: "Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion"

Home on the Range: Faces of the Land

Home on the Range: Faces of the Land

Powerful piece about the nation, people and the economy.

defending olive oil

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oliveoilOlive oil’s reputation has been besmirched. It isn’t the magic life elixir fueling the teeming hordes of Mediterranean-dieting, crusty bread-eating, moderate wine-drinking centenarians, but it doesn’t deserve to be tossed in the trash heap with soybean, grapeseed, corn, and canola oils. I sense that it’s fast becoming a “fallen fat” among our crowd and I think it’s a darn shame. Are a few extra grams of linoleic acid, one or two unfortunate incidents of adulterated oil, and gushing praise from vegans, vegetarians, and the American Heart Association alike enough to turn us against a staple, phenolic-rich food sporting several thousand years of storied history?


Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

we will never learn

another reason to protect yourself and give up on politics -


nuclear crisis in Japan -

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How much of
a threat is the nuclear crisis in Japan?  That question is on the
minds of millions of people around the globe tonight.  Unfortunately,
the Japanese government and the mainstream media have both been
doing their best to downplay this crisis.  Even though there have
been massive explosions at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear facility,
authorities in Japan have still been very stingy with information
and they keep insisting that the situation is under control.  But
the situation is not under control.  In fact, it just seems to get
worse with each passing day.  Radiation levels are now incredibly
high at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex and the radiation cloud is
starting to spread.  Radiation levels in Tokyo are already 10 times
above normal levels, and there are reports in the international
media that some people have begun to flee the city.  It is imperative
that the Japanese government tell the truth about what is going
on because this could potentially affect the health of millions
of people.  There are over 12 million people in the city of Tokyo
alone.  If this nuclear crisis continues to get worse it could potentially
end up killing more Japanese than the tsunami just did.


Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

recovering economy my ass

Can't Live w/out 5 hour energy shots

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Energy drinks had 13.3% dollar sales growth in 2010 and received a "significant boost" from energy shot sales at convenience stores, says a report out this month from market research firm SymphonyIRI Group. This beat the other top 10 consumer packaged goods categories in grocery, drug, mass merchandise and convenience stores, excluding Walmart.


Leaving the Land of the Free

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I have previously
explained the onerous 2008 “exit
” the U.S. Congress and George Bush imposed on those
who exercise their constitutional right to end citizenship. The
only other countries that imposed a tax on those citizens who sought
to expatriate were Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and apartheid South


Tsunami of Inflation to Hit U.S. with Ja

Taking Control of Your Personal Finances

prepare yourself

the Japan disasters will affect the bond market next -

Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

My Musical Abilities

Blues buskers in Seattle Center

Not any longer. Played saxophone as a child - badly. Before I die, I would like to learn how to play the banjo.

Powered by Plinky

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

balanced budget

not necessarily a solution without more -

Amplify’d from
More than 200
House members and 50 senators have co-sponsored a balanced budget
amendment to our Constitution. A balanced budget amendment is no
protection against the growth of government and the loss of our
liberties. Estimated federal tax revenue for 2011 is $2.2 trillion
and federal spending is $3.8 trillion leaving us with a $1.6 trillion
deficit. The budget could be balanced simply by taking more of our
earnings, making us greater congressional serfs. True protection
requires an amendment limiting congressional spending.

When Will Neocons Stop Finding Enemies

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"On to
Libya! Down with the Tyrant of Tripoli!" That’s the latest
hue and cry from North America’s lynch mob of right wingers, jingoistic
media, and neoconservative jackals. Once again there’s talk of war
against a small, almost defenseless nation that can’t seriously
fight back. What Imperial Britain used to call, "a jolly little


Gold Bull Market

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Is Eating Too Much Protein Going to Harm My Kidneys? by Mark Sisson

Sixty-One Uses of Baking Soda

a really new world order

Amplify’d from
To express
this phenomenon in terms of solid geometry, the pyramid is
being replaced by the sphere. Plato’s hierarchically-structured
world directed by philosopher-kings – long the favored model
of the intellectual classes who fashioned themselves fit to sit
at the institutional apex – has proven unfit for ordering the affairs
of human beings. It is not better ideas that are transforming
how we organize with one another, but real-world pragmatism:
the life system simply cannot operate on the principle of being
directed by centralized authorities!

Anonymous Quotes