Senin, 17 Januari 2005

Power Line: What "gets overlooked if not ignored" in Iraq

Power Line: What "gets overlooked if not ignored" in Iraq: "What 'gets overlooked if not ignored' in Iraq

Chrenkoff has his latest installment of 'Good news from Iraq.' He prefaces this edition with a quote from Marine Cpl. Issac D. Pacheco:

[M]any service members shake their heads in frustration each time they see their daily rebuilding efforts ignored by the media in favor of the more 'sensational' car bomb and rocket attack stories. Not to say that tragedies don't happen - Iraq is a war zone - but there is so much more happening that gets overlooked if not ignored.

Chrenkoff adds:

It has been a mission of this fortnightly column, now in its nineteenth edition, to bring to readers' attention all that 'gets overlooked if not ignored' in Iraq: the advancements of the political and civil society, the rebirth of freedom, economic growth and reconstruction progress, generosity of foreigners and positive role played by the Coalition troops in rebuilding the country, and unremarked upon security successes. Contrary to some critics, the intention has never been to whitewash the situation in Iraq or to downplay the negative; the violence, bloodshed, disappointments and frustrations are all there for everyone to see and read about in the mainstream media on a daily basis. But to point out positive developments is not to deny the bad news, merely to provide a more complete picture. As voters faced with the defining foreign policy issue of the new millennium we owe it to ourselves to be fully informed about the state of affairs in Iraq. And that means both the car bombs and rebuilt hospitals.

Among the highlights: (1) the transformation of Sadr City from an insurgents' nest to a peaceful hotbed of political activity (and thus a place overlooked if not ignored by the MSM) and (2) the overwhelming support by Iraqi women for both the elections and the general American effort to create a more free socieity (a phenomenon overlooked if not ignored by most American feminists).

In addition, Chrenkoff provides the useful perspective of Carlos Valenzuela, a U.N. representative from Columbia, who knows a thing or two about holding elections in a difficult and violent envirionment.

Belmont Club has more on the Iraqi elections. The picture it presents is mixed, and identifies Mosul as the primary election-day battleground."

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