Senin, 31 Oktober 2005

Suitcase Bombs- No Way!!

"I have known since being trained as a nuclear target analyst in 1983 (and remaining current through my 1995 retirement from the Army) that there is no such thing as “suitcase nuke.” The term refers to an atomic bomb that is small enough to fit in the space of a suitcase and is therefore presumably approximately as portable as a suitcase.

There was such a thing as atomic demolition munitions and I was trained in how to compute their use against targets such as bridgeheads or to create obstacles by filling a valley with displaced earth. ADMs were indeed man portable, but not easily and certainly not by only one man. Their utility (such as it might have been) was obviated with the invention of terminal-guided missiles such as a late variant of Lance, cruise missiles and GPS-guided weapons.

So I am glad to see today’s piece in OpinonJournal busting the myths about so-called “suitcase nukes.” Not a short read, it is thorough at explaining why suitcase nukes don’t exist. It isn’t simply a matter of engineering challenges, which given enough time and money could be overcome. Read it all!

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