Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

Francis W. Porretto - Eternity Road

Francis W. Porretto - Eternity Road

I am heartbroken.

Only this morning, as a comment to this post at GM's Place about the ongoing campaign to destroy Sarah Palin, I had this to say:

Hatred can have many geneses. Palin-hatred might partake of several.

First, there's Governor Palin's exceedingly "conventional" home life, in which she's happy and stable. Quite a lot of people will never know such a life. They envy it in the Ayn Rand sense: "hatred of the good for being the good." The syndrome afflicts left-liberals disproportionately.

Then there's Palin's extraordinary beauty and grace. It's been said, with some justice, that politics is celebrity for ugly people; there's certainly quite a lot of ugliness on the Left. It's also been said, by P. J. O'Rourke and Ann Coulter among others, that the beautiful women are the most reliable indicators of political trends -- and the beautiful women are trending to the Right. That has to sting the vitriolic harpies on the Left.

Then there's Palin's political success. She busted every barrier the Alaskan Establishment set before her, pretty much without outside assistance. This is a "twofer:" first, because her political success owes nothing to the feminist movement, and second, because she's a conservative Republican. That puts a spear into the Left's notions that conservatives can't abide a strong woman.

Then there's Palin's sincerity about her convictions. She walks it like she talks it: devoutly Christian; pro-life even at her own expense; utterly faithful to her husband despite their frequent protracted absences from one another; loving and supportive of all her children, including her soldier son and her unwed mother daughter; and incorruptible in the performance of her duties, where so many other pols would be setting themselves up to cash in after their time in office has ended (at least). Name a left-liberal pol who left office poorer than he went in; some of them even refrigerate their bribes.

Finally, but by no means least, she wears figure-flattering clothes, grooms herself beautifully, and walks gracefully and confidently in high heels. Most women on the Left resent having to shave their legs -- some don't bother -- wear clothing that would look well on an alley-dwelling wino, and think high heels are a Republican plot.

A teenaged character in Jack Vance's novel Araminta Station asks his father why a woman hates him and Dad so. Part of the answer is that "You are everything that her son is not." I'd say that applies to Palin-hatred, as well.

Just a few minutes ago, Sarah Palin resigned as Governor of Alaska:

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin shocked the political word Friday by announcing that she will step down at the end of the month and transfer power to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell.

Palin made the announcement from her home in Wasilla, flanked by her husband, Todd, and family and state commissioners....

Palin, who defeated incumbent Gov. Murkowski in a primary in 2006,.gained national prominence when GOP presidential candidate John McCain picked her as his running mate last year. But her approval ratings in the state have skidded in recent months.

Palin has been dogged in recent months by ethics inquiries. Her office last month announced the 15th dismissal of an ethics complaint against her or one of her staff.

The campaign to bring down the best conservative officeholder in the country has succeeded...by wearing away Governor Palin's patience. Not one accusation ever stuck. Every complaint brought against her was dismissed. But each one taxed her time, her zeal, and her bank account. It took a million mosquito bites to bring down this elephant, but when substance is lacking, numbers will sometimes suffice.

It's time for freedom lovers to take a no-prisoners / no-mercy attitude toward the Democrats, the Left, the Mainstream Media, and the Republican Party establishment. All of these have contributed to Palin's departure. It is vital that none of them ever know another restful night. Dog their private lives. Dog their finances. Dog their associations. Pepper them with hostile questions and accusations at every imaginable turn.

Take vengeance for Sarah Palin.

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