Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011


Amplify’d from

ANSWER: Eckhart
Tolle wrote the best seller The
Power of Now
and was fortunate to spend some couch time
with Oprah Winfrey to really propel his message to the masses. When
he first wrote the book, he printed up 3000 copies and basically
went door to door at all the bookstores and handed them out. It
took him years to find success, which I truly appreciate. I also
think much of the advice in “The Power of Now” is interesting
to read. It’s a watered down version (he does not admit this)
of the Hindu philosophy Advaita Venta (best exemplified by a teacher
from 100 years ago, Ramana Maharshi) but Tolle does a good job translating
that into every day language and I agree with his approach of not
mentioning the roots of his philosophy.


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