Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Lame Cherry

Lame Cherry: "people are stunned when I make known that the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies had in their charters the main aspect of evangelizing in order to save the Indians by bringing the Gospel of Christ to them."

There are two dates in history which are tied interestingly together by Christians and both had in the foremost parts of their minds were the ultimate of Christian acts. The years were 1429 and 1492, rather easy to remember and monumental in what happened then.

The first date of 1429 rests up on Jeanette D'Arc the anointed of France. In her first decree as General of the Armies of France, she dispatched a letter to English and her King. In the letter, General D'Arc, asked the English to vacate France and not fight.
Joan of Arc as the English would call her then stated, the French and English should join forces in peace and go on crusade to liberate Jerusalem from Muslim control.

Most interesting is it not that the Lady was pondering the real issue in this life and that was the liberation of Jerusalem.

The second date, 1492, should be more familiar in it belongs to that noble Christian, Christopher Columbus, the Viceroy of all the western world, who sailed west to reach the east, because the Bible stated God sat on the circle of the earth.
Faith is what Columbus was driven by.
In the personal logs of Viceroy Columbus there is a most interesting account of what he was really up to that has been hidden from history by satan.

Christopher Columbus was sailing to the orient not for riches for himself. Now the liars of satan who have impugned this noble gentleman's actions in thinking Indians of the Americas were some sedate lovely people living in harmony with nature, when in reality they were murderous savages using human sacrifice, cannibalism and murder.......and would in two seconds slaughter the people who attack Columbus if given that opportunity, have covered up what the great Admiral was up to.
In the logs, Admiral Columbus would write, of his desire for wealth, but not for himself. Christopher Columbus' driving goal in life was to amass the necessary funds to build Ezekiel's Third Temple, so that Jesus the Christ would return as the Bible predicted.

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