Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Mostly Cajun, All American and Opinionated

Mostly Cajun, All American and Opinionated: "Turpentine"

Young Boudreuax as sitting on the curb by the church when de priest come out an’ saw him playin’ wit’ a bottle of turpentine. Boudreaux, him, he was shakin’ de bottle an’ watchin’ de bubbles.

De priest say, “What you got in de bottle, little Boudreaux?”

Little Boudreaux say, “Fadder, dis is turpentine. It de mos’ powerful stuff in de worl’.”

The priest saw a chance to teach a little lesson so he says, “Oh, no, little Boudreaux. Holy water is de mos’ powerful stuff in de worl’. You can rub some holy water on a pregnant woman’s belly an’ she pass a healthy baby!”

Little Boudreaux snorted, “Da’s nuttin’, fadder. You can rub somma dis on a cat’s ass an’ he’ll pass a Harley Davidson!”


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