Senin, 05 September 2011

greater depression

Is civil unrest on the horizon?

Amplify’d from

Daily Bell:
Will there be accompanying civil unrest – rioting, looting
and assorted acts of criminal behavior?

Doug Casey:
Almost certainly. I think the riots we have seen recently in London,
the various flash mobs we have seen around the US, and even the
rioting that happened in Vancouver, are just an overture. When people
don't have jobs – and actual unemployment in the US is running
at over 20% if it is calculated the same way it was 30 years ago
– they become very unhappy, while they have lots of time on
their hands. Combine that with the fact a vastly higher number of
people live in cities than was the case in the '30s – trouble
always arises from cities. Combine that with skyrocketing inflation
and a generally collectivist/statist psychology on the part of all
segments of the population, and the result is inevitable. Living
in a big city, or even a suburb, impresses me as a mistake.


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