Minggu, 11 September 2011

retire in cebu

Ex-pat Brit on retiring in Cebu. Spot on. http://live-free-in-an-unfree-world.com

Amplify’d from cebuexpat.com

Now getting back to the Philippines the main reason its ideal to retire is you don’t have to get involved in anything which is the best way to enjoy it. Don’t buy a house, don’t get involved in local politics or even helping as its not your problem. Sounds a bit harsh I know but in reality the more you help or interfere the more headaches you accumulate, I worked within social housing for years and the mentality of many of my clients back then are everywhere here and unless you want to be Atlas with everyone sitting on your back being carried best to just say “Im retired and enjoying life” turning a blind eye to everything including the “get rich” schemes.

Read more at cebuexpat.com

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